cod. 1006847

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - Second semester
Gianfranco FORLANI
Academic discipline
Topografia e cartografia (ICAR/06)
Ingegneria civile
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the classes, the student who attended regularly lectures and exercices:
- knows the characteristics of spatial data;
- knows the technologies for data acquisition and their tolerances, particularly for DTMs and orthophotos;
- knows about existing geodetic datums, cartographic projections
- knows vector and raster data characteristics, the basics on data bases and the query
The student learns how to georeference data and how to perform data
interpolation and evaluate the result.
- knows how to perform spatial
queries and/or selections based on data attributes and combine them.
- knows how to apply this knowledge to the solution of engineering and planning
problems using GIS software.


Basic concepts of cartography, geodetic datums, statistical data
processing and analysis, computer literacy.

Course unit content

Cartography: conformal and equivalent maps; map contents and map
generalization; tolerances; italian topographic and technical maps.
Digital cartography: definitions and differences with traditional maps.
Contents of digital maps. Information coding.
Raster data: spatial and radiometric resolution.Raster data acquisition.
Rasterization of maps; georeferencing and mosaicking.
Vector data: geometric and topologic primitives.Vector data acquisition.
Cartographic editing and consistency checks.
Digital terrain models. Digital orthophotos.
Geographic information systems: fundamental components and
functions. Metadata. Manipulation of raster and vector data: queries;
processing of raster data; visualization and representation of results.
Presentation and use of GIS software.

Full programme

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C. Jones. Geographic Information Systems and Computer Cartography,
Prentice Hall. – Not available at the “Biblioteca politecnica di Ingegneria e
Course material (slides of the lectures, exercices, sample data etc.) can be found at
SISTEMI INFORMATIVI TERRITORIALI, available online on the Uni e-learning platform. Registration to the course

Teaching methods

Lectures, exercises with DTM generation software and GIS software

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination foresees oral questions and the execution of simple
exercices or operations with visualization, processing and query of
geodata with Surfer, QGIS and ArcMap.
The questions are about theoretical and methodological aspects and
count for about 60% of the score. The exercices with software verify the
capability to apply knowledge and self-learning skills. The list of
mandatory skills with the sw programs is included in the online course material.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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