cod. 1007132

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - Annual
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

At the end of the entire course consisting of the two modules, it is expected that the student will be able to:- possess the basic knowledge of the physical structure of the Earth and its superficial and deep geological processes- know the methodologies and basic approaches of the geological survey- know how to describe and classify the main rock types - have acquired an integrated and dynamic vision of the Earth and of its evolution through the time- know how to read and interpret geological and geo-thematic maps- know how to read and understand the main geological and geomorphological features of a territory- possess the basic knowledge of the structure and geological history of the Earth and, in particular, of the Mediterranean area- to know and use the main stratigraphic methods- recognize and correlate simple rocks sequences using multiple stratigraphic methodologies- describe and drawing rock successions- read and understand simple scientific texts in English- preparing short technical-scientific reports about field trips experience and/or on specific assigned topics



Course unit content

The INTRODUCTION TO EARTH SCIENCES course provides the students of the 3 years degree in Geological Sciences with the basic theoretical knowledge of Earth's processes and geological structures, of their evolution throught the time and of the main geological survey techniques. The course is intended to provide the students with a general view of the disciplines that will be dealt in more detail during the three-year course in order to better understand their links. During the course, laboratory exercises will be held for rock recognition and classification, reading of geological maps and field trips for understanding the geological features of the territory. Particular attention will be paid to providing the student with the methodological tools for carrying out a correct scientific analysis, for reading and understanding scientific texts and for the preparation of technical-scientific reports. The course is divided into two modules. The first one, GENERAL GEOLOGY, provides a general overview of geological knowledge for the understanding of the mechanisms governing the Earth’s natural systems. In the second module, STRATIGRAPHY, more detailed information on stratigraphic methodologies and in particular on stratigraphic correlation techniques is provided, through classroom exercises and on the field.

Full programme


- Time and environmental changes: the geological perspective
ID: Knowledge and understanding

- Earth's structure and processes
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- The Origin of Life - The Earth as a Self-Regulated System: the Gaia hypothesis
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- The rocks and their genetic processes:
Igneous and metamorphic rocks, Sedimentary rocks
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Description and classification of rocks
ID: Applied knowledge and understanding skills- Basics of Stratigraphy and Roofing Techniques
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills

- The deformation of the rocks
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Geological maps: read and use
ID: Applied knowledge and understanding skills- Reading and understanding of scientific texts
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Structure and language of scientific reports
ID: Knowledge and Applied Capabilities, Communication Skills;- Plate tectonics and Geodynamics
ID: Knowledge and ability understanding skills

- Geological and climate hazards - introduction to environmental geology
ID: Knowledge and understanding- Geological evolution of Alpine and Apennine systems (with field trips)
ID: Applied knowledge and understanding skillsSTRATIGRAPHY module- Origins, Objectives and Problems of Stratigraphy
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- The traditional stratigraphic units: lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic, chemostratigrafiche, cyclostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- stratigraphic boundaries
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- stratigraphic discontinuities
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- rocks dating techniques
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- the geological time scale
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- stratification
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Introduction to facies analysis
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- How to study an outcrop (description, data sample collection and, graphic representation, field trip)
ID: Applied knowledge and understanding skills- Depositional systems
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Walther's Law
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Transgressions, regression and sedimentary cycles
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Sedimentary basins
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Introduction to Unsorted Limiting Units and Sequential Stratigraphy
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Wheeler Diagram
ID: Knowledge and understanding skills- Stratigraphic correlations (with exercises)
ID: Applied knowledge and understanding skills


Didactic material (slide, scientific articles) made available on the webSuggested text book:for the GENERAL GEOLOGY moduleGotzinger J., Jordan T.H. – Capire la Terra - Zanichelli, Bologna
Ricci Lucchi F. – La Scienza di Gaia – ambienti e sistemi naturali visti da un geologo – Zanichelli, Bologna
Bosellini A. - Storia geologica d'Italia Gli ultimi 200 milioni di anni - Zanichelli, Bologna
Lovelock J. – Gaia, nuove idee sull’ecologia – Bollati Boringhieri
Lovelock J. – Le nuove eta’ di Gaia – Bollati Boringhieri Altre letture
Hallam A. – Le grandi dispute della Geologia – Zanichelli, Bologna
for the STRATIGRAPHY moduleA.D. Miall – Stratigraphy: a modern synthesis, Springer
Ricci Lucchi F. – Sedimentografia – Zanichelli, Bologna
Bosellini A., Mutti E. e Ricci Lucchi F. – Rocce e Successioni sedimentarie – UTET, Torino (no longer printed, available from department library)

Teaching methods

Frontal lectures with multimedia tools, practical application of concepts through individual and group exercises in the classroom and on the field

Assessment methods and criteria

Examination through:- a written test including the description and recognition of three rock samples and open answers to multiple choice questions on all the topics of the GENERAL GEOLOGY module program
(ID: Knowledge and Capability of Understanding);
the test assigns a maximum of 3 points for each question/exercise up to a maximum score of 30; the correct recognition of the rocks is considered as preliminary to the outcome of the test and should be repeated in case of insufficient result;- a written and practical test for the STRATIGRAPHY module including an exercise of stratigraphic correlation and questions on module topics; (ID: knowledge and understanding skills; knowledge and understanding skills applied)The test assigns a maximum total score of 30- an oral final test with presentation and discussion of a brief written (or multimedia) report about field trips or other assigned topics (ID: Knowledge and Applied Capability, Communication Skills)The final score will result from the arithmetic mean of the scores obtained in the two written and in the oral tests

Other information

Information on the content of the course (see below) are associated with the relative "Dublin Indicators" (DI) that characterize their purposes.
Dublin Indicators:
- Knowledge and understanding;
- Applying knowledge and understanding;
- Making judgements;
- Communication skills;
- Learning skills.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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