cod. 1005949

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Obiettivi formativi
a) Knowledge and comprehension abilities
The student will learn and understand the economic, social, cultural, institutional and political- regulatory processes that characterize the European integration process.
b) Ability to use knowledge and comprehension
The student will use the studied issues to understand the community processes complexity, also with regard to the other disciplines.
c) Judgment autonomy
The student will be able to evaluate the community processes and develop a critical analysis of the powerful factors that characterize their evolution.
d) Communicative skills
The student will get a lexical and conceptual property essential for the education and the communication of a specialist student in Political Sciences.
e) Ability to learn
The student will try out an innovative didactic method based on group work.



Course unit content

Why the European states have decided to constitute a union? What have been the long run historical dynamics (political, cultural, and economic) that characterized the process of European integration?
There are numerous traces that testify the existence of a commonality of spirits, cultures, experiences and identities among the different European peoples. Can we say the same in the food sector?
The course, in the first part, will analyse the slow evolution of the idea of “European Union”, highlighting the impulses and the hostilities encountered in the centuries. A particular focus will be represented by the building process – after the Second world war – of the European institutions, underlining the opportunities given to the continental economies to grow, expand and integrate each other.
Great attention will be paid to the construction of a common agricultural-food policy and to the implications in terms of food security. Finally, the course will focus on the relationship between the integration of European space and the contamination of gastronomic grammars.

Full programme

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(1) Attenders (intermediate exercise and paper presentation)
- Bino Olivi e Roberto Santaniello, Storia dell’integrazione europea, Bologna, il Mulino, 2010.
- K.K. Patel, Fertile ground for Europe? The history of European integration and the common agricultural policy since 1945, Baden-Baden 2009.
- Stefano Magagnoli e Jean-Pierre Williot, Le culture alimentari e gastronomiche, in Europa, Culture e Società, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, 2018, pp. 530-540.
- Materials, slides and notes of the lessons.
- Texts, materials and documents indicated for the group activities and group and the classroom presentation.

(2) Not Attenders (traditional final exam)
- Bino Olivi e Roberto Santaniello, Storia dell’integrazione europea, Bologna, il Mulino, 2010.
- K.K. Patel, Fertile ground for Europe? The history of European integration and the common agricultural policy since 1945, Baden-Baden 2009.
- Stefano Magagnoli e Jean-Pierre Williot, Le culture alimentari e gastronomiche, in Europa, Culture e Società, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, 2018, pp. 530-540.
One book at choice among:
- Heiki Mikkeli, Europa. Storia di un’idea e di un’identità, Bologna, il Mulino, 2002.
- Robert C. Allen, La rivoluzione industriale inglese, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011.
- Mauro Campus, L’Italia, gli Stati Uniti e il piano Marshall, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2008.
- Federico Chabod, Storia dell’idea di Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007.
- David W. Ellwood, L’Europa ricostruita. Politica ed economia tra Stati Uniti ed Europa occidentale 1945-1955, Bologna, il Mulino, 1994.
- Eric J. Evans, Thatcher and Thatcherism, London, Routledge, 2013.
- Cosimo Magazzino, La politica economica di Margaret Thatcher, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2010.

Teaching methods

The first part of the course (approximately 50% of the hours) will be carried out with traditional lessons. The second part (approximately 50% of the hours) will be instead composed by student presentations (organized in teamwork), elaborated following the bibliographical and documentary indications fixed with the teacher.
After the first part of course there will be a written exercise. The students that don’t pass the intermediate exercise (<18) will have to take the final exam for not attenders.
The final mark will be composed in this way: 50% intermediate exercise; 40% presentation; 10% classroom participation.
The teaching materials used in the course will be uploaded to the Elly portal at the beginning of the lessons.

Assessment methods and criteria

Intermediate exercise
a) The knowledge and comprehension abilities will be checked by 2 open-ended questions. Each question is 15 points worth.
b) The answers will be checked by the ability to express judgment autonomy, critical learning ability and to do cross links among different topics.
d) The ability to communicate will be checked verifying the adequacy and efficacy of language; furthermore it will be checked the tendency to clarify the meaning of the technical words and concepts used.
Classroom presentation
The classroom presentation will be checked by the following elements:
a) originality and innovativeness of work (ability to carry on the proposed topic with originality compared to the literature and documentation used).
b) precision and effectiveness of the slides (style, language).
c) quality and precision of the abstract (to present the aims, the sources, the results).
d) coherence between sources, analysis and synthesis.
e) coherence between investigation questions and proposed analysis (i.e.: if I want to study the skin quality of the shoes that I’m using I can’t analyse the cotton of my shirt).
Classroom participation
The evaluation of classroom work will take into account the contribution given to the discussions and the quality/innovativeness of the arguments used.
The final mark will be composed in this way: 50% intermediate exercise; 35% presentation and abstract; 15% classroom participation.

(2) Not attenders
Final written exam
a) The knowledge and comprehension abilities will be checked by 2 open-ended. Each question is 15 points worth.
b) The answers will be checked by the ability to express judgment autonomy, critical learning ability and to do cross links among different topics.
c) The ability to communicate will be checked verifying the adequacy and efficacy of language; furthermore it will be checked the tendency to clarify the meaning of the technical words and concepts used.

Other information

Eventual other readings will be communicated at the beginning of the course and published on the homepage of the teacher.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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