cod. 1002187

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - First semester
Mauro RICCO'
Academic discipline
Fisica sperimentale (FIS/01)
Fisica e chimica
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

This course aims to give to the students the basic knowledge on
electrostatic and electromagnetism.


Course of General Physics 1

Course unit content

Electric charge - Electrostatic laws - Electric field - Particles in an electric field - Gauss law and its applications - Electrostatic properties of conductors - Electric potential energy - Electric potential - Relation between field and potential - Capacity and capacitors - Parallel and series capacitors - Electrostatic energy - Dielectrics -
Current and resistance - Resistance and Ohm law –The Drude’s model
– Semiconductors – Parallel and series resistances – Voltmeters and
Amperometers - DC circuits. Batteries – Electric energy – Kirchhoff laws – RC circuit - Magnetostatic - History – Magnetic field - Oersted, Ampère, Biot e
Savart experiments- Lorentz force – Force on a current - Ampère law –
Ampère law applications: linear wire, coil, planar current – Mass
spectrometer – Force between currents – Field generated by a coil –
Dipolar field – Particles motion in a magnetic field - Magnetic induction. Faraday-Lenz law – induced efm – Motors and generators – Transformers and inductances – Reciprocal induction
coefficient – Self induction – Magnetic energy - Alternated currents. RL circuit – Oscillations in a LC circuit - RLC circuit - Maxwell equations. Displacement current - Maxwell equations –

Full programme

see the course web site:


W.E. Gettys, F.J. Keller, M.J. Skove, Fisica classica e moderna 2. McGraw-
Hill Libri Italia, Milano, 1998

Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons will be completed with practical ones consisting into
the assisted solution of exercises on the treated arguments. Some
demonstration activities are planned.

Assessment methods and criteria

The students who constantly attend the lessons and get a pass on the
infra annum tests, can take a simplified final exam. The others will have
to take a complete one which consists of a written and, if required, an
oral test.

Other information

For further information and to see the results of the tests and exams see the course web site:

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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