cod. 1006717

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Economia degli intermediari finanziari (SECS-P/11)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
28 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The definition of the strategic plan for the development of an enterprise is an important document both for raising funds and to organize the activities operationally. The course explores the process of drafting a business plan from strategy to the financial economic quantification.
a). Knowledge and understanding: the course allows the student to acquire skills on the business plan.

b). Applying knowledge and understanding: the student, at the end of the course, should be able to draw up the business plan

c). Making judgments: students with the knowledge gained should be able to appreciate with independent judgment of economic equilibrium conditions and financial terms of the new initiatives.

d). Communication skills: the student with the knowledge gained should be able to communicate with the heads of companies and internal specialists interested in the business plan definition

e). Learning skills: the course contents, with active teaching tools, they mature ability to learn.


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Course unit content

The course focuses on the theoretical and practical side of the business plan process

Full programme

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Excellent Business Plan
Kingsley A. Borello
Hoepli - Milano

Teaching methods

Traditional lessons, exercises and case studies.
Acquisition of knowledge: lectures.
Acquisition of the ability to apply knowledge: case studies and exercises.
Acquisition of independent judgment: during this course, students will be
encouraged to identify strengths and weaknesses of models, solutions and
Acquisition of learning skills: each topic will be addressed first explaining the
problem to be solved, and then critically analyzing the possible solutions.
Acquisition of technical language: the teacher will illustrate the meaning of the most
common terms used by the financial community.

Assessment methods and criteria

Written exam (1h ca). The assessment of knowledge acquired and of the ability to apply them will be made through 3 questions: two (more or less extensive) theoretical
questions, aimed at verifying: a) acquisition of knowledge and understanding, b)
acquisition of independent judgment, and c) acquisition of technical language, and one question about the application, aiming to test: a) acquisition of the ability to apply
knowledge, and b) acquisition of learning skills for the implementation and development of models and / or logical paths. Each question will be evaluated up to 10 points.

Honors, or distinction, will be awarded to students who in addition to achieving full marks, demonstrate overall systematic knowledge of the subject, outstanding ability in applying knowledge and independence of thought, and excellent writing skills in the case of a written exam.

Examination results will be published on ESSE3 and students can look at their papers by making an appointment with the professor.

Devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, etc. are forbidden.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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