Course unit partition: Cognomi H-Z

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course -
Academic discipline
Ambito aggregato per crediti di sede
Type of training activity
of face-to-face activities
course unit

Course unit partition: INFORMATICS

Learning objectives

The goal of the course is to provide students with the ability to understand the principles of informatics and programming.


No prerequisites.

Course unit content

1. Introduction to informatics:
1.1. Programs and algorithms
1.2. Boolean algebra and logic
1.3. Data representations
1.4. Computer architecture
1.5. Operating systems

2. Python programming language:
2.1. Structured programming
2.2. Data structures and collections
2.3. Functions
2.4. Reading and writing files

Full programme

1. Introduction to informatics
1.1. Programs and algorithms
1.2. Boolean algebra and logic
1.3. Data representation and encoding
1.4. Computer architecture
1.5. Flowcharts
1.6. Finite state machines
1.7. Operating systems and command line

2. Programming in the Python language:
2.1. Data types
2.2. Basic operations (arithmetic, comparison, Boolean, strings)
2.3. Variables
2.4. Predefined functions and methods
2.5. User Input/Output
2.6. Graphics
2.7. Lists, tuples
2.8. Structured programming (if, while, for)
2.9. Functions and recursion
2.10. Reading and writing files
2.11. Sets, dictionaries
2.12. Tabular data processing
2.13. Introduction to classes and objects


Michele Tomaiuolo and Alberto Ferrari, Introduzione all'Informatica con Python, McGraw-Hill, 2024

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures involving the presentation of slides and the guided resolution of programming exercises.

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination is in two parts: a written test, with multiple-choice questions and numerical exercises; a programming test, with the development of short Python programs.

Other information

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