cod. PC1010856

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - First semester
Daniela OPIZZI
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: PERIOPERATIVE MEDICINE

Learning objectives

The course aims to allow the student to know and understand care models in the surgical field, to implement care interventions using critical thinking and ethical decision-making, defining responsibilities, ensuring the application of diagnostic prescriptions and therapeutic, in compliance with scientific principles. By applying the knowledge, the student must be able, through the synergistic cooperation of all the professionals involved, to identify the care problems related to the surgical pathology, prepare a care planning in compliance with the centrality of the patient, contribute to the prevention of complications and increase compliance and empowerment of the patient


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Course unit content

- the responsibility and culture of risk management;
- general mechanisms and modes of action of drugs, the concept of absorption, legal and ethical constraints in the administration of therapy;
- the psychological and relational aspects in the relationship between caregiver and patient,
- the significance that the surgery has for the individual, regardless of the complexity, the physiopathological phenomena that are the basis of events related to the surgery the most frequent complications and the main risk factors; operating room safety recommendations and surveillance protocols; taking charge of the patient as part of the treatment path, increasing compliance and empowerment

Full programme

- clinical risk in care, risk factors and errors;
- notes on the meaning of drug and drug therapy, general mechanisms and modes of action of drugs, absorption, routes of administration, side effects, tolerance and dependence, interaction, synergistic reaction, pharmaceutical preparations;
- supply and storage of medicines;
- Nursing drug assessment, special considerations relating to aging and pediatric age;
- safe handling of antiblastic chemotherapy drugs, acute and therapeutic side effects, management of extravasation;
- radiation therapy, acute and terdive effects;
- drug management, legislative references;
- analysis of collaborative problems and macroscopic diagnostic groupings;
- individualization of a teaching plan aimed at improving the patient's adaptation to therapy;
- essential components of a pharmaceutical prescription;
- psychological and relational aspects of psychopharmacological therapy;
- pediatric and senile age pharmacotherapy;
- restraint of the patient: reasons for the appeal, negative effects, limitations to use, alternatives to restraint in compliance with the evidence based for the practice;
- Primary nursing in surgery;
- organization of pre-operative nursing care;
- safety in the operating room, ministerial provisions;
- transfer of the patient from the recovery room to the hospitalization, assessment, care planning aimed at preventing complications;
- special considerations relating to pediatric age, aging, disability, bariatric patients and the emergency-urgency situation;
- main post-operative complications;
- surgical wound: factors that can delay the healing process, main complications, surveillance of surgical site infections;
- colorectal: taking care of the person with a colostomy;
- post-operative pain as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, evaluation and measurement of pain through evaluation scales.


Brunner Surgical Nursing - Suddarth Suzanne C. Smeltezer, B. G. Bare, J. L. Hinkle, K.H. Cheever Ambrosiana publishing house fourth edition (January 2010)
.Nursing care plans and documentation of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems Lynda Juall Carpenito publishing house Ambrosiana Milan
Legal aspects of the nursing profession, elements of health legislation L. Benci Mcgraw-Hill Milan, 2008
The prescription and administration of drugs - legal and ethical responsibility L. Benci Publishing house McGraw-Hill Milan, 2007
. Documents taken from: - Ministry of Health, Department of Quality Directorate General for Health Planning, levels of assistance and system ethical principles. Patient safety and clinical risk management; Regional health agency - Emilia Romagna region, experimental protocols for monitoring sentinel events

Teaching methods

lectures, Problem based learning

Assessment methods and criteria

the assessment of the achievement of the objectives set by the course involves an oral exam. through questions regarding the contents of the course, it will be ascertained whether the student has achieved the objective of knowledge and understanding of the contents. By means of questions regarding prevention and care planning strategies, it will be ascertained whether the student has achieved the objective of applying the acquired knowledge.

Other information

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