cod. 1007988

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Donata Tania VERGURA
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

This course aims to provide students the basics of the communication strategies through online and offline channels development. Through the discussion of case studies, group works and business testimonials, the course will ensure the fundamental knowledge acquisition.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- understand, and explain the marketing communication processes, dynamics and means as well as the changes occurred in the interaction and communication between business and consumer following the digital revolution;
- apply the principles and phases of marketing communication planning to concrete business situations;
- identify the most appropriate key performance indices according to the measurement objectives of each specific communication activity;
- attend an interview with companies or professionals on issues related to offline and online communication.


No formal propedeuticity is required

Course unit content

The course aims to introduce students to the marketing communication process. In particular, main course topics are:
- marketing communication
- semiotics and communication models
- traditional and digital media
- online communication and digital marketing
- social media marketing
- data discovering and performance measurement.

Full programme

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The study material will be indicated shortly. Students are recommended to monitor the syllabus in the weeks leading up to the start of the lessons.

Teaching methods

The Course will combine different teaching tools:
- Acquisition of knowledge: lectures and business testimonials
- Acquisition of technical language and of the ability to apply the analysis methodologies and of the autonomy of judgment: analysis and discussion of case studies; reading of scientific papers with the object of applying the theoretical knowledge discussed during the lessons to practical problems.
- Acquisition of learning skills: Lessons will favor students' participation and critical evaluation of the main topics discussed.
The teacher is available during student reception hours for explanations on lessons and presentations.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment will be done through a writing exam. The exam will be in english and evaluated with a score ranging from 0 to 15 (to be added to the vote of the Mod.Marketing Metrics).
If a business game will be planned, for students who carry out the project work the exam will consist of fewer questions than the complete test. The evaluation of the project work will contribute for 50% to the definition of the final result.

The final results are published on the Esse3 portal. Students can view the exam, after taking an appointment with the teacher.
The honors will be awarded to those students who obtain the full evaluation and demonstrate an appreciable systematic knowledge of the topic, an excellent ability to apply the knowledge acquired to specific problem in question, and a considerable autonomy of judgment.

Other information

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