cod. 22095

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Medicina interna (MED/09)
Type of training activity
7 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of
sport medicine

applied knowledge and understanding
knowledge referred to in the preceding paragraph are applied to adapted
and preventive physical activity sciences

making Judgement
the student must be able to follow a simple reasonement in the field

communication skills
the student must possess sufficient technical language

Learning skills
the student must be able to read a simple scientific text of sport medicine


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Course unit content

Knowing: the adaptations and adjustments induced by exercise, the positive effects and the negative effects both in healthy subjects and in the main chronic degenerative diseases that can cause respiratory failure, the damage from smoke and environmental pollution and pharmacological prophylaxis of bronchospasm, the main competitive sporting activities, with particular reference to the cardiac, the principles of nutrition, hydration and integration in the sport, the effects of muscular work in adverse environmental conditions. Which activities (type, intensity and duration) are indicated in individual clinical situations. Able to administer it in an appropriate manner. Students must possess general knowledge of the main methods of investigation in cardiovascular and lung function at rest and during exercise and all the other tests used in the laboratory and in the field for the functional evaluation in different sports. Must be able to practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation and to successfully run the test.

Full programme

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D.R. Mottram: Farmaci e Sport. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. P. Zeppilli, V. Palmieri. Manuale di Medicina dello Sport e Pronto Soccorso. Ed. CESI. Protocolli cardiologici per il giudizio di idoneità allo sport agonistico. Ed. CESI. A.P.Fhisman. Malattie polmonari il manuale. 2° ed. McGraw-Hill J. B. West. Fisiopatologia polmonare. 5° ed. L.Casali. Manuale di malattie dell'apparato respiratorio. Dal Monte, M. Faina. La valutazione funzionale dell’atleta. Ed. UTET. C. Macchi, R. Molino Lova, F. Cecchi. Attività motoria, fitness e salute nell'adulto e nell'anziano. NME e SEE Ed. Firenze 2007.

Teaching methods

class lectures

Assessment methods and criteria

oral examination

Other information

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