cod. 06882

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Pediatria generale e specialistica (MED/38)
"altre attività quali l'informatica, attività seminariali ecc."
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Integrated course unit module: MOTHER AND CHILD MEDECINE

Learning objectives

To give basic pediatric informations necessary to health professionals who will frequently operate in a pediatric setting, with particular attention to preventive and social pediatrics


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Course unit content

The healthy newborn
Main neonatal diseases
Neonatal screenings
Normal and abnormal growth
Immunzations schedule
Gene and chromosome syndromes with ocular and acustic involvement
Upper and lower respiratory tract infections
Rheumatic and main congenital heart diseases
Kawasaki disease
Infections of urinary tract
Acute and cronic infections of the gastrointestinal tract
Infectious disease of infancy
Atopic diseases
Dyabethes Type 1
Acute poisoning in infancy
Health issues in adolescence

Full programme

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M.Vanelli Argomenti di pediatria Edizioni TIERRE
Didactical material about single lessons given by the teacher

Teaching methods

oral lesson

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam: with questions about lesson's contents, we'll accert if the student has reached the target of knowledge and comprehension of the contents.

Other information

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