Career prospects

Typical professional fields for graduates in Computer Technologies Engineering are the design, development, installation and maintenance of computer systems to support the management and organisation of industrial plants and technical and commercial facilities, and for the definition of services and infrastructures for the generation, transmission and processing of information. These functions can be performed by the graduate either as an employee or as a self-employed professional.

Employment opportunities

Junior Computer Systems Engineer

The Junior Computer Systems Engineering collaborates, with room for autonomy, in the design of Information Technology applications, and is able to take care of their development, testing, installation, maintenance and administration.

They investigate and develop methods for solving problems of medium complexity, promote the use of modern programming languages and application-oriented modelling tools, design and implement complex data structures and optimised algorithms for an efficient software system, perfect operational techniques and take care of the application-related aspects. They build, test and maintain databases and distributed information systems according to predefined functional specifications and design guidelines. The tasks that typically characterise this professional figure are:


  •     System analyst;
  •     Information systems analyst;
  •     Information systems analyst programmer;
  •     Web infrastructure designer;
  •     Software developer


Specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the technical-engineering field are required for the performance of the above-mentioned roles. Specifically, the main skills associated with this professional figure are as follows:


  •     basic hardware and software structure of data processing systems;
  •     modelling of complex problems, better data structures, and efficient and effective algorithms
  •     programming languages, both general, low-level and high-level, and specialized in application areas (e.g. databases, web, etc.);
  •     web technologies;
  •     introductory concepts of artificial intelligence and big data processing and analysis;
  •     principles and methods of software engineering;
  •     wide-ranging skills in information engineering, such as electronics, automation, telecommunications;
  •     self-learning and continuous updating of skills;

    transversal skills (communicative-relational, organisational-managerial and programming) appropriate to the level of autonomy and responsibility assigned, the organisational and working methods adopted and the main interlocutors (colleagues other professionals and public and/or private clients)

Employment opportunities

The set of training activities equips graduates with specific skills that enable them to fit readily into even highly differentiated work environments, working as systems engineers and/or hardware and software designers in any application context in which information technology plays a major role, including as a consultant. Graduates can work in any area of modern technological society, and in particular in manufacturing or service companies, in companies operating in the field of industrial automation, in process industries, in public administrations, in training organisations, and in the liberal professions, using their skills to support the process of innovation and development under way in any organisation that needs to implement a restructuring plan that is partly based on integrating advanced information technologies. More specifically, the skills of these graduates pertain to the following main employment opportunities:


  •     industries producing and/or using computer components and systems;
  •     companies and service centres operating in the information systems sector;
  •     companies providing Internet computing services and Web infrastructure;
  •     software engineering companies;
  •     industrial research and development laboratories;
  •     technical structures of the public administration that make use of IT infrastructures for the management of both internal and user-oriented services;
  •     training organisations;

    research centres