Student tutors

The University offers its students a tutoring service, aimed at guiding and assisting students throughout their course of study.
Tutoring is carried out by all course professors/instructors and students identified through a special call for applications for the Youth Support Fund.
Peer tutoring (for students with disabilities or SpLD)

Student tutor

A student tutor is an experienced student or PhD or postgraduate student who puts his or her practical experience at the service of those in need.
In particular, he/she is responsible for:

  •  welcoming new student
  • advice on compiling programmes of study
  • advice on the range of course catalogues (curriculum, prerequisites, exams)
  • help in organising study and exams
  • support in finding information on international mobility and curricular internships
  • relations with administrative services

Contact the student

Tutor ER.GO

Il Tutor ER.GO svolge un servizio di tutorato dedicato agli studenti beneficiari di borsa di studio; tale servizio offre attività di counseling volta ad agevolare, sia dal punto di vista organizzativo che burocratico, il raggiungimento dei crediti per mantenere la borsa di studio.

A tal fine, comunichiamo che sarà attivo uno sportello ogni lunedì, a partire dal 26/02/2024, presso l’aula E del plesso di Chimica (Campus), dalle ore 16:30 alle ore 18:30. 

In caso di necessità o per richiedere informazioni, potete contattare il Dott. Nova Niccolò via mail all’indirizzo