cod. 1011484

Anno accademico 2024/25
1° anno di corso - Annuale
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Tecnica e pianificazione urbanistica (ICAR/20)
Progettazione urbanistica e pianificazione territoriale
Tipologia attività formativa
60 ore
di attività frontali
6 crediti
sede: PARMA

Modulo dell'insegnamento integrato: URBAN PLANNING STUDIO FOR THE SUSTAINABLE CITY

Obiettivi formativi

The course aims at developing the students’ ability to assess the main morphological, functional and environmental aspects of an urban fabric, as a preliminary analysis for planning and programming urban regeneration interventions in the existing city.
The course aims at:
- developing the ability to critically read urban data and the main urban planning tools.
- introducing GIS techniques for urban analysis and assessment;
- understanding the role of these techniques for urban planning (in relation to the Italian context);
- applying the acquired GIS techniques to a case study: an urban sector of the city of Eindhoven;
- developing specific communication skills.


Basic experience in urban analysis techniques (acquired in the Bachelor's degree) and in drafting reports and graphic boards is required.

Contenuti dell'insegnamento

The course addresses the complex relationships between urban form, function and environment, delving into the main tools of urban analysis and assessment techniques preparatory to urban regeneration in the existing city.
The course guides the student through a rigorous analytical and evaluation process, supported by GIS (Geographical Information System) applied to a case study: an urban sector of a mid-sized city (Eindhoven).
The following topics will be analysed:
- the mutual approach of land uses and the public and private spheres (synergies and conflicts);
- urban density;
- socio-demographic aspects;
- provision of public spaces and facilities;
- urban accessibility, with a focus on active mobility;
- ecological-environmental performance of the urban fabric.
In addition, the course explores the topic of urban vulnerability to climate change, focusing on possible planning measures for adaptation.

Programma esteso

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- Gehl J., Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York 1987
- Hack G., Site Planning: International Practice, MIT Press, 2018
- Laurini R., Information System for Urban Planning: A Hypermedia Cooperative Approach, CRC Press, 2001
- Lehmann S., Urban Regeneration: A Manifesto for Transforming Uk Cities in the Age of Climate Change, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2019
- Roberts, P., Sykes H., Granger R., Urban Regeneration, Sage Publications, 2017
- Ventura P., La città nuova. Elementi di progettazione urbanistica, McGraw-Hill, 2018.
Educational material in the form of slides and notes will be available in the Elly web page of the course.

Metodi didattici

- Lectures on theoretical and technical aspects related to GIS and preparatory assessment for urban regeneration interventions.
- Exercises: group activity for the implementation of a relational database in a GIS environment, applied to an urban sector in Eindhoven (NL), using Quantum GIS software.
- Integrated workshop activities for the urban regeneration of a block within the assigned urban sector of Eindhoven (NL).
- Eventual seminars and/or study trips.

Modalità verifica apprendimento

In addition to the delivery of the final design studio and the oral test (see the corresponding item of the course 'Urban Planning Studio for the Sustainable City'), the module includes an intermediate group delivery of the GIS database, analysis boards and a short report.

Altre informazioni

Attending 70% of the lessons is compulsory for admission to final exam. Participating in GIS practical exercises in class is highly recommended.

Obiettivi agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

11-Sustainable Cities and Communities
13-Climate Action