Admission test

In order to be admitted to the Degree Course in Physiotherapy, it is necessary to be in possession of a five-year high school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad, recognised as suitable, and to have passed the Admission Examination for degree courses in the health professions and to have been placed on the ranking list in a position suitable for enrolment.
The modalities and timing of participation are defined annually in a specific Announcement published on the Course website on the Summary page and on the Entrance Examination page. It is advisable to read the Announcement very carefully, as well as the Ministerial Decree that defines the procedures and contents of the admission tests for degree courses. Texts to prepare for the Entrance Examination are available in all bookshops.
To be definitively admitted, pursuant to DLgs. 81/088 and subsequent amendments and additions, the student will undergo an assessment of psycho-physical suitability to perform the activity of the specific professional profile. The assessment of permanent ineligibility results in forfeiture of the student's status on the Degree Course. The University reserves the right to verify, at any time, the persistence of the student's conditions of psycho-physical suitability. Students must have adequate vaccination documentation, which is indispensable for any health monitoring, where required by current legislation on health and safety in the workplace. The compulsory anti-tuberculosis vaccination will only be activated if the conditions set out in Art. 1 Presidential Decree 7/11/01 no. 4659 are met.
Enrolments without an admission test are only possible for years subsequent to the first, following the procedures for the recognition of credits by the University for university courses in the healthcare area, and may only take place within the limit of the places made available following withdrawals, transfers, drop-outs from the course year in question, in relation to the places defined in the annual planning decrees, according to the timeframes and procedures defined in the Course Regulations on the ‘Changes, Transitions and Transfers’ page, as well as by the national regulations.
INFORMATION IS CONSTANTLY AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LINKS UNIPR Admission to Courses with a scheduled number of places - UNIPR three-year degree courses Admissions - Previous years' tests: Health professions
National admission tests in person: information and safety rules


The maximum number of students who may enrol in the Degree Course in Physiotherapy is established by the Ministry of Health, annually by specific act, in relation to the needs of the specific field of work, the teaching facilities and the available teaching staff. An entrance exam is therefore necessary to produce a ranking list that identifies students in a position to enrol. 

For each degree course, one place is reserved for students with a certified disability of 66% or more. The disability must be compatible with the performance of the activities envisaged in the clinical practical training of the chosen degree course; compatibility will be ascertained by a special committee (Art 2(2)). If necessary, appropriate structural and functional support will be made available to the disabled person.

Credit recognition

Matriculated students who already have a previous academic career (whether completed with a degree or not) may apply for what is known as 'recognition of previous academic career'. The modalities and timetable are specified in the Course Regulations and on the Credit Recognition page.


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