Transfers and course transitions

A student enrolled at another university who wishes to study at our university or who is enrolled at this university and wishes to study elsewhere may apply for a transfer. In the former instance, this is an incoming transfer, in the latter it is an outgoing transfer.
If the student is enrolled at this university, but wishes to change degree course, he/she may apply for a course transition.

Students who enrolled on a given academic year may, by the deadline of the second instalment of fees and without charge, request for the option to change to another degree course. After that date, the option is no longer permitted and it is necessary to apply for a change of course (transition).

Changes, transitions, transfers and academic recognition.

If a student is enrolled at this university in a course with more than one location, but wishes to change location, he/she may apply for a change of location. The Degree Course in Physiotherapy has two training locations.

If the student is enrolled at this university, but wishes to change degree course, he/she may apply for a course transition. In order to be admitted to the Degree Course in Physiotherapy from another course, potential students must pass the admission test for degree courses with scheduled numbering and be in a suitable position for enrolment.
If the student is enrolled at this university but wishes to go to a different university, they may apply for an outgoing transfer.

If a student who is enrolled at another university (Italian, EC, or non-EC) wishes to come and study at our university, they may apply for an incoming transfer. To gain access to the Degree Course in Physiotherapy, it is necessary to be enrolled in another Italian university on a degree course in Physiotherapy; to gain access to the Degree Course in Physiotherapy, it is necessary to be enrolled in an EC or non-EC university on a degree course that grants a qualification giving access to a health profession comparable to that of Physiotherapist.

In order to speed up the procedures for assessing foreign qualifications and to facilitate the production of documents by candidates with foreign qualifications, both in terms of timing and with reference to the number of documents to be produced and the related costs, it is necessary to apply for the Certificate of Comparability and the certificate of Verification  in line with the current national regulations and procedures, via the Diplome platform on the CIMEA website. Diplome platform link CIMEA, which will be submitted together with the required documentation.

It is only possible to apply for a change, transition or transfer for years after the first.
Enrolment in years subsequent to the first year, following the procedures for the recognition of credits by the university of destination, may only take place within the limit of the places made available as a result of withdrawals, transfers and drop-outs from the course year in question, in relation to the places defined in the annual planning decrees.
The Course publishes on its website the number of vacancies in relation to course year and course venue.
Universities are not obliged to examine applications received in the absence of notices or calls for applications, made in a manner other than that provided for in the aforementioned acts or submitted outside the peremptory deadlines laid down therein.
In order to apply for enrolment in years subsequent to the first, students must have passed the educational requirements laid down in the Degree Course Regulations for admission to the year for which enrolment is requested.
Transfers are not accepted from degree courses from university systems prior to Ministerial Decree. 270/2004.

The Nuovi Ordinamenti (New Systems) (Ministerial Decree 270/04) have been active since 2011/2012. Students who meet the requirements to be enrolled in the 2nd and 3rd year of the new system may apply for transfer/enrolment in subsequent years. A prerequisite for a transfer request is to have an active registration in the previous year.
Course transfers and transitions
Applications for enrolment in years following the first - Physiotherapy.



Recognition of foreign qualifications


Applications for recognition of academic qualifications obtained abroad must be submitted by filling in the following form. A/10, available both from the Student Registry Office and on the website

Applications may be submitted from 1 July to 30 August each year to the Student Registry Office of the medicine and dentistry degree courses - Via Volturno 39.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • original of the final upper secondary school qualification, valid for admission to university in the country in which it was obtained, accompanied by an official translation into Italian and a declaration of value, rissued by the Italian diplomatic or consular representation in the relevant country (to whose education system the qualification relates);
  • academic qualification – in original  – dfor which recognition is requested, also accompanied by an official translation into Italian and a declaration of value issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular representation in the relevant country (to whose education system the qualification relates);
  • degree certificate – in the original– with details of the courses followed and examinations taken abroad to obtain the degree and the relative marks, accompanied by an official translation into italian official translation syllabi (su carta intestata dell’università straniera o avvalorati con timbro della università stessa),(on the headed paper of the foreign university or bearing its stamp) of all the disciplines included in the foreign curriculum, with the relative translation into Italian. The authenticity of these syllabi, as well as all previous documentation, must be confirmed by the relevant Italian diplomatic or consular representation.

EU citizens resident in Italy, after having had their documentation finalised by the competent Italian representative, may submit their application directly to the Student Registry Office of the Italian University.


EU citizens resident abroad and non-EU citizens resident abroad, or resident in Italy but without a regular residence permit, must submit the application for recognition, accompanied by all the required documentation, to the diplomatic representation with territorial jurisdiction in the country whose university system the foreign qualification refers to; the diplomatic representation, having verified the formal correctness of the applications, then forwards them to the Italian universities.

Procedures for the recognition of qualifications

Concept of finalised recognition

With the ratification of the Lisbon Convention by Law No. 148 of 11 July 2002, the concept of finalised recognition of foreign qualifications was introduced in Italy.

It is therefore essential to know the purpose and aim for which recognition is sought in our system before starting any evaluation procedure, given the different procedures that exist in our system and the different bodies in charge of such services.

For what purpose is recognition of the foreign qualification required in Italy?

The answer to this question will immediately indicate the most appropriate procedure and the body in charge of carrying it out: without this preliminary indication, both the body and the foreign qualification holder run the risk of not obtaining any useful results for their own purposes, in addition to wasting time on longer and more complicated procedures that could frustrate the request for recognition.


Finalised recognition procedures



Purpose of recognition

Responsible body

Normative reference

Academic recognition

Access to a course/Continuation of studies

Universities and AFAM Institutions

Art. 2 Law 148/2002

Shortening of course/Recognition of study period/Credit recognitiont

Achievement of the corresponding Italian qualification (equivalence)

Equivalence of the Research Doctorate

Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)

Art. 74 DPR 382/80

Non-academic recognition

Access to public competitions

Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Public Administration - PPA Office

Art. 38 D.Lgs. 165/2001 e Art. 2 DPR 189/2009

Allocation of points for final ranking in public competitions/career progression in the P.A.

Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) through an application addressed to the Administration concerned

Art. 3 DPR 189/2009

Social security purposes/Redeeming the study period

Enrolment in Job Centres

Access to traineeship or internship after obtaining the qualification

Award of study grants and other benefits

Administration concerned

Art. 4 DPR 189/2009

Evaluation of qualifications and community certificates

Administration concerned with the opinion of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)

Art. 12 Law 29/2006

Professional recognition

Exercise of regulated profession (e.g. Chemist, Doctor, Psychologist, Engineer, etc.):

Ministry supervising the profession (e.g. Health, Justice, MIUR, etc.)

Directive 2005/36/EC and Directive 2013/55/EU

Access to the labour market for non-regulated professions




Please note: Our system is still culturally influenced by the concept of ‘equipollenza’ ('equivalence') as the exclusive possibility of recognition of foreign qualifications. In this regard, it should be noted that Law 148/2002 no longer uses this term and that Article 9 repealed the previous equivalence procedure.

Academic recognition - degree equivalence

Qualifications acquired abroad have no legal value in Italy, so it is necessary to ask for their recognition if you wish to use them to take part in a competition, to exercise a profession or to pursue academic studies.

How to apply:
The interested party, in possession of a residence permit or EU citizen, must submit a written request in revenue stamps to the Student Registry Office of the degree course for which they intend to request equivalence using Form A/10..

The documentation to be attached to the application is as follows:

1.Original of the upper secondary school certificate of admission to the university that issued the academic title;

2. Italian language translation and legalisation of the baccalaureate diploma issued by the Italian Diplomatic-Consular Representation with territorial jurisdiction in the State where the diploma was awarded;
3. Declaration of value of baccalaureate degree;
4. Original of the academic title held;
5. Original of the analytical certificate of university examinations issued by the aforementioned university (stating the dates and locations of the examinations, if these were also held in part at a university other than the one that issued the qualification);
6. Translation into Italian and legalisation of the academic title held;
7. Declaration of Value of the academic qualification held with indication of the legal duration of the degree course;
8. Programme of each individual examination with official translation;
9. Valid residence permit;
10. Photocopy of identity card or passport and tax code;
11. Passport size photo;
12. Certificate of Comparability and Certificate of Verification issued by CIMEA.

What to do after obtaining equivalence::

After obtaining the resolution of the Departmental Council recognising full equivalence of the degree, it is necessary to pay the recognition fee of €258 by means of the MAV slip issued directly by the Student Registry Office.
Within six months of the Departmental Council's decision, the Student Registry Office will issue the degree certificate.

Course shortening

In the event that the foreign academic title is not fully recognised by the Italian university, the student may shorten the chosen degree course by submitting a matriculation request.

Please note that the possibility of enrolling for course shortening for academic recognition is subject to the availability of places within the scheduled number.

The number of places available for each academic year and the priorities with which they will be allocated are indicated at:

Non-academic recognition - degree equivalence

The equivalence of a foreign qualification to an Italian one, obtained abroad by a European citizen and required by a specific competition notice for the purpose of admission to the examinations of that competition, allows participation in that specific competition without an Italian qualification being issued (equivalence).

•Submit an application to the administration that published the notice, citing the foreign qualification in the original language and requesting to be admitted to the competition pursuant to art. 38 of legislative decree. 165/2001 (conditional admission);
•Send the request for equivalence of the qualification acquired abroad to the Department of the Civil Service, pursuant to Article 38 of Legislative Decree 165/2001, by filling in the form prepared by the Department of the Civil Service: this form contains all the documents required for submitting the application.

The body responsible for assessing the equivalence of the foreign qualification is the Presidency of the Council of Ministers -Department of Public Administration - PPA Office. - Recruitment Service, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 116 - 00186 Rome tel. 06-6899.7563 / 7453 / 7470;

Other contacts:
Ministry of Education, University and Research:
Piazzale Kennedy, 20 - 00144 Rome Tel. 06-97727450

Interruption, renunciation, loss of student status

Discontinuation of studies 

Failure to pay the first instalment, registration fee and contributions results in interruption of studies.
Interruption is permitted until loss of student status occurs.
In the year(s) of interruption, the student may not perform any career-related acts on the interrupted degree course (e.g. enrolling and taking examinations, submitting a programme of study, etc.).
Resumption of studies

In order to resume studies, the student is invited to contact the relevant Student Registry Office.
The student must pay a recognition fee for each year of interruption.

Further information is available in the University Regulation and the Prospectus.



Withdrawal from a course


LWithdrawal from a course is an IRREVOCABLE formal act that ends a student’s university career.

Withdrawal does NOT, as a rule, entitle you to a refund of the fees and contributions paid for enrolment and/or registration for the academic year. Exceptions to this are students who apply to withdraw in order to enrol on a degree course with a nationally scheduled number of places.



  • qf in the 2017/18 academic year you paid fees for enrolment and/or registration for subsequent years by paying only regional tax and virtual stamp duty as an Er.Go scholarship holder, you are required to pay the second instalment and any further instalments
  • students who enrolled onto A.Y. 2017/18, with the exception of those who apply to withdraw in order to enrol on a degree course with a nationally scheduled number of places, payment of the second instalment for the same academic year is required
  • or those who, in the A.Y. 2017/18, have enrolled/registered for degree courses, withdrawal will only take effect once any outstanding fees have been regularised.


How to apply to withdraw from studies:

  • print out and fill in the application (download il A/16 form or collect it from the Student Registry Office), sign it and affix the €16 stamp. 
  • submit it or send it to the relevant Student Registry Office together with your academic transcript.


You can apply to withdraw at any time.


Only for students with non-EU citizenship residing abroad (non-EU): the formalisation of the withdrawal from studies determines the loss of the requirements for residence in Italy. A student who has renounced their studies and wishes to apply for re-enrolment at the same or another university may not use the residence permit for studies issued on the occasion of their previous enrolment, but must repeat the pre-enrolment process with the Italian Representatives in the foreign country of residence



Loss of student status


Students enrolled on an Old Order degree course (prior to D.M. 509/99) or on reformed study courses (D.M. 509/99 and 270/04) before the A.Y. 2013-14, LOSE THEIR STUDENT STATUS (according to the previous University Regulations, issued by D.R. no. 565 of 9 February 2009 and subsequent amendments, Art. 28 - c. 5) if they do not sit examinations for EIGHT consecutive academic years.


A student who owes only the final examination does NOT lost their status.


Iraining credits (ECTS credits) or examinations acquired during university studies are certified during the process for any subsequent consideration.


GStudents enrolled as of the A.Y. 2013-14, LOSE THEIR STUDENT STATUS (Art. 32 - c. 6 "University Regulations, issued by R.D. no. 3496 of 22/11/2013, published on 03/12/2013) if they do not sit examinations for a number of academic years equal to twice the duration of the course.


A student who owes only the final examination does NOT lost their status.


Training credits (ECTS credits) acquired during university studies are certified during the process for any subsequent consideration.

Part-time work 150 hours

Students enrolled at the University of Parma, who meet the income, merit and seniority requirements set out in the call for applications published annually by the University's Grants and Right to Study Sector, may apply to work in administrative offices, libraries and other university facilities.
The activity is remunerated with an hourly fee of 7 EUR tax-free.



Parma, 1 June 2021 – The University of Parma has published the Regulations for disciplinary proceedings against students.
The Regulations govern the procedure and sanctions applicable to students of the University.

Indeed, university students, by enrolling, become part of the academic community, acquiring a status from which they derive specific rights and obligations of conduct, defined by the University's regulations as a whole. Students are also considered to be those enrolled at other universities, who are nevertheless admitted to attend degree courses or take part in other educational activities, including course unit examinations, even if they attend the university for a limited period of time.

Any behaviour committed in breach of the national and university regulations in force, of the Didactic Regulations, of the Code of Ethics and the Code for the protection of the dignity of workers, students and employees of the University and of the regulations of the University or of the Departments, as well as of any rule of conduct dictated by the University, provided that it is communicated in written, institutional, clear and immediately identifiable form by the students, constitutes a disciplinary offence.

The Regulations (with the provisions on disciplinary sanctions, reporting the offence, contestation and time limits for cross-examination, conclusion of the proceedings and imposition of the sanction, etc.) are published and can be consulted on the University website on this page



Possono presentare domanda di convalida tutti gli studenti che abbiano sostenuto degli esami presso l’Università di Parma o altri Atenei, indipendentemente dal fatto che le rispettive carriere siano cessate a seguito di rinuncia, decadenza, conseguimento del titolo finale, o, ancora, che il richiedente abbia effettuato un passaggio di corso o un trasferimento da altro ateneo. Il riconoscimento è possibile anche nel caso in cui lo studente sia stato autorizzato ad una doppia iscrizione.
Per presentare richiesta di convalida/riconoscimento degli esami sostenuti nella carriera pregressa, è possibile compilare un’apposita istanza a partire dal 10 settembre. Gli studenti interessati, al momento dell’immatricolazione, dovranno:

- Accedere alla propria area riservata su Esse3;
- Selezionare il percorso Segreteria>Test di valutazione>Convalide *corso di laurea di interesse* (selezionare il corso a cui si è iscritti)
- Effettuare l’upload del modulo di richiesta di convalida;
- Effettuare l’upload dei programmi analitici degli esami sostenuti nella precedente carriera di cui si chiede il riconoscimento;
- Effettuare l’upload dell’autodichiarazione della propria carriera pregressa, avendo cura che la stessa indichi gli esami sostenuti e i voti ottenuti.

La domanda di convalida deve essere presentata al momento dell’immatricolazione, o comunque entro il 30 novembre. Eventuali proroghe potranno essere concesse solo a coloro che siano ammessi dopo il 30 novembre, qualora gli scorrimenti proseguano oltre quella data.

Tutti i documenti suindicati devono essere caricati in formato PDF e devono essere opportunamente rinominati, utilizzando i seguenti criteri:

- Per la richiesta di convalida: COGNOME_RICHIESTA DI CONVALIDA;
- Per i programmi analitici: PROGRAMMA_NOME DELL’INSEGNAMENTO;
- Per l’autodichiarazione relativa alla carriera pregressa: COGNOME_CARRIERA.

Gli studenti che si siano iscritti effettuando un passaggio di corso sono invitati a scaricare l’autodichiarazione degli esami sostenuti dalla propria area riservata prima di perfezionare il passaggio. All’esito della procedura di passaggio, infatti, la carriera pregressa non sarà più visibile. Le autocertificazioni precompilate dell’Università di Parma possono essere scaricate cliccando, nel menù Esse3 della propria area personale, sulle voci Segreteria>Servizi Online>Servizi di Segreteria Online. 

Sono esonerati dall’obbligo di inviare i programmi analitici esclusivamente gli studenti che chiedano la convalida di esami sostenuti in carriere interrotte per passaggio di corso, purché gli esami sostenuti risalgano a non più di tre anni fa. In tutti gli altri casi (trasferimento, rinuncia, ecc.), i programmi devono essere suddivisi in tanti file quanti sono gli esami di cui si chiede il riconoscimento.