Opportunities for part-time students
Since the 2015-2016 academic year, the figure of the part-time student has been introduced at the University of Parma. In fact, the regulation identifying and regulating the status of part-time students in the teaching activities of the university's three-year degree and master's degree courses has been approved.
Part-time or part-time means the possibility, granted to each student, to agree, at the time of enrolment or during the subsequent academic years of enrolment, on a course of study with a number of university credits equal to 50% of the number of ECTS credits provided annually.
This mode is intended for people who are unable to devote themselves to full-time studies for work, health or personal reasons. This category includes:
- working students with a contract (subordinate, self-employed or professional) lasting no less than six months;
- students with a disability equal to or greater than 45% or a disability certified pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 of Law 104/92:
- students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD);
- students not occasionally engaged in the care and assistance of non-self-sufficient relatives pursuant to Law 104/92;
- pregnant students;
- students with children up to the age of three;
- students engaged in sporting activities at a high national or international level.
The academic authorities reserve the right to carefully consider very exceptional or special requests not included in the above categories.
More details can be found in the University's Regulations for the enrolment of Part-Time Students and the Prospectus.