cod. 14545

Academic year 2007/08
4° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
12 credits
course unit
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Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

To learn to the students the application of a standard procedural method in everyone clinical situation finalized to correctly diagnose the different pathologies and to give the main information about the surgical techniques.


All topics included in didattical regulament of the Faculty

Course unit content

<br /><br /><br />Programme<br />History, General and particular examination, Surgery lesions of the systems: Integumentary (edema, phlegmon, abscess, bursitis), Muscoloskeletal (metabolic, inflammatory, neoplastic desease), fractures, joints desease, tendons, ligaments and muscular desease), Auditory (injuries, aural hematoma, otitis externa, media and interna), Visiv, Respiratory (nares, larynx, pharynx, trachea, lungs), Cardiovascular and Hemolymphatic, Genital male (prepuce, penis, scrotum, testis, prostate)<br /> <br />Immobilization of surgical patient. Injection. Centesis. Cateterism. Bandage. The surgical room. Principles of asepsis and antisepsis and antibiotic role. Surgical planning. Surgical theatre. Preparation of the surgeon. Dieresis and synthesis of soft tissues. Suture materials, knots and sutures. Osteosynthesis: internal fixation (nail, screws, plates, cerclage), external fixation. Wound treatment. Drains. Reconstructive surgery.<br /><br />Clinical signs, surgical treatment of the more frequent pathologies in large and small animals.<br />Cow: abomasal dislocations, hoof diseases.<br />Horse: locomotor system (tendonitis and desmitis, phalanx and sesamoid bone fractures, navicular disease); breathing apparatus ( ) digestive system ( colics).<br />Dogs and Cats: hear, noise and troth diseases; articular, digestive, urinary and neoplastic disease.<br /> <br /> 

Full programme

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1. Valentini S.: Introduzione alla Semeiotica Chirurgica – Girali Editore, 2000 <br />
2. G. Sumner Smith: Procedimenti decisionali in chirurgia ortopedica veterinaria. Masson editore, 1992 <br />
3. Denny R. Hamish: Compendio di Chirurgia ortopedica del cane e del gatto. Traduzione Italiana a cura di Carlucci, Modenato, Citi, Girali Editore, 1998 <br />
4. Fossum Theresa Welch: Chirurgia dei Piccoli Animali. Maqsson Editore, 2004 <br />
5. Stashak T.S.: la zoppicatura nel cavallo, IV edizione, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. Ed. Italiana SBM Noceto (PR), 1990 <br />
6. Rose R.J., Hodgson D.R.: Manual of Equine Practice 2/e. edizione Italiana a cura di Delfino Editore, 2005 <br />
7. Cheli R.: Clinica Chirurgica Veterinaria, 3 edizione,UTET editore, 1988

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and practical exercitations in which the students are divided in groups. <br />
Evaluation is by a joined oral and written l exam <br />
The language is: italian

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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