cod. 00166

Academic year 2007/08
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria (VET/09)
Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Type of training activity
64 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge required to carry out an accurate evaluation of the patient with a view to applying specific clinical surgery procedures to different animal species.


Pharmacology, toxicology, chemiotherapy. <br />
Diagnostic imaging - Radiology – Surgical pathology. <br />

Course unit content

<p>Diseases of the common tegument: <br />
Lipomas. Mastocytomas. Melanomas. Squamous-cell carcinomas. Cutaneous habronemiasis. Phycomycosis. Sarcoids. Nodular necrobacillosis. Tumoral calcinosis. Cicatricial keloid. <br />
Papillomatosis. Breast neoplasms. <br />
Principles of intestinal surgery: <br />
Pre- and peri-operative treatments. Determination of intestinal viability. Reperfusion injuries. Approaches to abdominal surgery. <br />
Enterotomy. Enterectomy and enteroenterostomy. Manipulations of the intestine. Abdominal washout. Laparotomy closure. Post-operative treatments. Post-operative abdominal complications. <br />
Diagnosis and treatment of acute abdominal pain for diseases of the large and small intestines: <br />
Obstructions. Torsion. Simple and complex invaginations. Prolapses. <br />
Hernias, complex and otherwise: <br />
Umbilical hernias. Ventral or incisional hernias. Inguinal hernias. Internal hernias. <br />
Diseases in newborns: <br />
Anal and ano-rectal atresias. Meconium retention and constipation caused by meconium. Recto-vaginal, recto-urethral and recto-bladder fistulas. Omphalitis. Omphalovasculitis. Urachitis. Patent urachus. <br />
Male genital system: <br />
Cryptorchidism. Testicular ectopia. Testicular torsion. Testicular tumours. Inguinal-scrotal hernias. Orchiectomy. Preputial phimosis and paraphimosis. Indications for amputation of the penis and surgical technique. <br />
Nervous system: <br />
Instability of cervical vertebrae. Spinal locomotor ataxia. <br />
Australian arpeggio (horse). Vertebral malformations. Paralysis of the trigeminal nerve. Paralysis of the facial nerve. Paralysis of the brachial plexus. Paralysis of the suprascapular nerve. Paralysis of the subscapular nerve. Paralysis of the radial nerve. Paralysis of the femoral nerve. Paralysis of the obturator nerve. Paralysis of the ischiatic nerve. Paralysis of the common peroneal nerve. Paralysis of the tibial nerve. Neurectomy: various techniques and possible complications (horses). <br />
Eyes and ocular adnexa: <br />
Proptosis of the eyeball. Endophthalmitis. Neoplasms of the eyeball and socket. Eyeball surgery: enucleation, evisceration with intrascleral prosthesis, exenteration, intravitreal injection of Gentamicin. Entropion and ectropion. Trichiasis, distichiasis, ectopic cilia. Palprebral neoplasms. Ageneses of the eyelid. Corneal, conjunctival and eyelid dermoids. Eyelid surgery: tarsorrhaphy, Hotz-Celsus technique, Stades technique, cryoepilation, medial and lateral canthoplasty, tucking, reconstructive blepharoplasties. Prolapse of the third eyelid gland. Dacryops or lacrimal cysts. Neoplasms of the conjunctiva and third eyelid. Conjunctiva and third eyelid surgery: repositioning of the third eyelid gland and thrd eyelid flap. Recurrent corneal erosion. <br />
Descemetoceles. Perforation of the cornea. Corneal abscesses. Isis prolapse. Nigrum. Epithelial inclusion cysts. <br />
Corneal surgery: grid and punctuate keratotomy, superficial keratectomy, pedunculate and other conjunctival grafts, corneo-scleral transplants, corneal sutures, iridectomy. Anterior and posterior dislocation of the crystalline lens. Cataracts. Lens surgery: removal of the crystalline lens, phacoemulsification. <br />
Horses <br />
Endotoxicosis in horses. <br />
Diseases of frequent surgical interest affecting the horse’s airways: <br />
Akinesis or so-called paralysis of the false nostril. Haematoma of the ethmoid. Displaced soft palate. Palatoschisis. Subepiglottic cysts. Incarceration of the epiglottis. Laryngeal hemiplegy. Guttural pouch tympanitis. Guttural pouch empyema. Guttural pouch mycosis. Emergency tracheotomy. Permanent tracheostomy. Tracheal collapse. <br />
Diseases of the skeletal system and their treatment in horses: <br />
Periostitis. Osteitis. Osteomielitis. Osteochondritis. Bone fractures in general. First aid and transport for horses with bone fractures. Long-bone fractures. Fractures in large sesamoid bones. 1st-phalanx fractures. 2nd-phalanx fractures. 3rd-phalanx fractures. Fractures of the accessory metacarpals/metatarsals. Fractures of the joints. <br />
Angular deviations in the limbs of foals and related treatments. <br />
Navicular disease. <br />
Diseases of the synovial sheaths and arthropathies in horses: <br />
Hygromas. Hydrops. Hydrarthrosis. Arthropathies in general. Medical treatment of arthropathies. Surgical treatment of arthropathies (arthrotomy and arthroscopy). Arthrodesis. <br />
Diseases of the tendons and ligaments in horses: <br />
Tendons and ligaments: references to anatomy and physiology. Tendons and desmitis. Tendon contractures. Medical treatment of tendonitis and desmitis. Surgical treatment of tendonitis and desmitis. Cell therapy applied to tendonitis and desmitis. Breakage of the femoral-metatarsal cord. <br />
Radial check ligament desmotomy. Carpal check ligament desmotomy. Annular ligament desmotomy. Patella dysfunction or cramp. <br />
Muscle diseases in horses: <br />
Fibrous/ossifying myopathy of the semitendinosus. Common arpeggio. Australian arpeggio. <br />
Blood vessel diseases in horses: <br />
Thrombosis of the aorta abdominal artery. Thrombosis of the iliac arteries. Thrombosis of the femoral artery. Thrombosis of the digital arteries. <br />
Diseases of the digital and foot region of the horse: <br />
Polydactyly. Contracture of the deep flexor muscle. Digital edema. Verrucous dermatitis. Necrotic-gangrenous dermatitis. Chronic dermatitis. <br />
Alterations in the form of the foot. Fractures of the hoof capsule. <br />
Modifications to the thickness of hoof capsule tissue. <br />
Onychomycosis (white-line disease). Exungulation. Localised aseptic traumatic pododermatitis of the dermavilloso and/or <br />
dermafilloso. Aseptic diffused pododermatitis or laminitis. Septic pododermatitis. Exudative pododermatitis or exfoliation of the frog. Hyperplastic pododermatitis or cancer of the frog. <br />
<br />
Bovines <br />
Diseases of the digestive tract and their treatment: <br />
Oesophageal foreign bodies and oesophagotomy. Abomasal dislocations. Traumatic reticulitis/reticuloperitonitis. Emergency rumenocentesis. Rumenotomy. <br />
Disbudding and dehorning. <br />
Patella dysfunction or cramp. <br />
Spastic paresis. <br />
Hoof diseases in bovines: <br />
Phlegmon (“foot rot”) in heels. Interdigital phlegmon. Interdigital dermatitis. Digital dermatitis. Verrucous dermatitis. Interdigital hyperplasia. Hypo-/Hyper-consumption of the hoof horn. Localised pododermatitis. Localised aseptic traumatic pododermatitis. <br />
Diffused aseptic traumatic pododermatitis. Septic pododermatitis. Septic pododermatitis of the 2nd and 5th toes. <br />
Chronic pododermatitis. White-line disease. Diffused aseptic pododermatitis. <br />
Dogs and cats <br />
Diseases of the skeletal system and their treatment in dogs and cats: <br />
Joint fractures: general principles. Fracture of the radial carpal bone. Incomplete humeral condylar fracture. <br />
Fractures of carpal bone. Fractures of tarsal bone. Fractures of the patella. Arthrodesis, general principles. Carpal arthrodesis. Tarsal arthrodesis. <br />
Traumatic and congenital dislocations, joint instability: general principles. Shoulder instability. Post-traumatic carpal instability. Post-traumatic hock instability. Traumatic knee dislocation. Traumatic elbow dislocation. <br />
Traumatic hip dislocation. Traumatic shoulder dislocation. Congenital elbow dislocation. Congenital shoulder dislocation. Kneecap dislocation. <br />
Orthopaedic diseases resulting from altered development: <br />
Dysplasia of the elbow. Dysplasia of the hip. Sesamoid disease. Scapular glenoid disease. Aseptic necrosis of the head of the femur. Osteochondrosis-OCD of the shoulder, elbow, knee and hock. <br />
Idiopathic, nutritional and neoplastic diseases: <br />
Nutritional hyperparathyroidism. Hypertrophic osteodystrophy. Hematogenous osteomyelitis. Panosteitis. Rickets. Premature closure of the distal growth cartilage of the ulna. Curved radius. Osteosarcoma. Discospondylitis. <br />
<br />
Rupture of the achilles tendon. Carpal hyperflexion syndrome. <br />
Diseases of the extensor digitorum longus pedis. Teno-ligamentous diseases of the shoulder. Mineralisation of the supraspinatus muscle. Tenopathy of the biceps. Contracture of the infraspinatus muscle. <br />
Rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. Myopathy of the gracile and semitendinous muscles. Contracture of qthe uadriceps. <br />
Diseases of the urinary system: <br />
Kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra calculi. Ectopic ureters. Bladder tumours. <br />
The most frequent digestive tract diseases in small animals: <br />
Dental abscesses. Epulides. Foreign bodies in cervical oesophagus, thoracic oesophagius, gastric and intestinal foreign bodies. Megaoesophagus. Cardial achalasia. Gastric torsion. Rectal deviations. <br />

Full programme

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AUER J.: Chirurgia del cavallo, Essegivi-Edagricole, 1995. <br />
BOJRAB M.J.: Le basi patogenetiche delle malattie chirurgiche nei piccoli animali, Giraldi editore, 2001. <br />
BRAUND K.G.: Manuale di neurologia dei piccoli animali, Giraldi editore, 2002. <br />
CHELI R.: Clinica Chirurgica Veterinaria, UTET, 1988. <br />
DENNY H.R.: Compendio di chirurgia ortopedica del cane e del gatto, Giraldi editore, 1998. <br />
FACKELMAN G.E., NUNAMAKER D.M.: Manual of Internal Fixation in the Horse, Springer-Verlag, 1982. <br />
FOSSUM T.W.: Chirurgia dei piccoli animali, Masson editrice, 2004. <br />
GELATT N.: Small Animal Ophthalmic Surgery, Butterworth- Heinemann, 2001. <br />
GIBBONS W.J., CATCOTT, E.J., SMITHCORS J.F: Bovine Medicine and Surgery, American Veterinary Publications, 1970. <br />
GOURLEY I.M., GREGORY C.R.: Testo atlante di chirurgia dei piccoli animali, UTET, 1995. <br />
GUANDALINI A., PERUCCIO C., PIZZIRANI S.: Oftalmologia, Poletto editore, 2006. <br />
MENSA A.: Patologia chirurgica veterinaria, UTET, 1947. <br />
PIERMATTEI D.L., GREELEY R.G.: An Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones of the Dog and Cat, W.B. Saunders <br />
Company, 1979. <br />
ROSENBERGER G.: Malattie del bovino, Essegivi, 1975. <br />
STASHAK T.S.: Adams’: la zoppicatura nei cavalli , SBM edizioni, 1990. <br />

Teaching methods

Teaching and evaluation methods: lectures and practical exercises in groups. <br />
Evaluation will be based on a written and an oral exam. <br />
The course will be taught in Italian. <br />

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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