cod. 01749

Academic year 2007/08
4° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Clinica chirurgica veterinaria (VET/09)
Discipline cliniche veterinarie
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit
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Learning objectives

<br />The student during the course will learn all semiological methods necessary to front the surgical diseases.


All topics included in didattical regulament of the Faculty

Course unit content

Programme<br />
History, General and particular examination, Surgery lesions of the systems: Integumentary (edema, phlegmon, abscess, bursitis), Muscoloskeletal (metabolic, inflammatory, neoplastic desease), fractures, joints desease, tendons, ligaments and muscular desease), Auditory (injuries, aural hematoma, otitis externa, media and interna), Visiv, Respiratory (nares, larynx, pharynx, trachea, lungs), Cardiovascular and Hemolymphatic, Genital male (prepuce, penis, scrotum, testis, prostate)

Full programme

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<br />1.      Valentini S.: Introduzione alla Semeiotica Chirurgica – Girali Editore, 2000<br />2.      G. Sumner Smith: Procedimenti decisionali in chirurgia ortopedica veterinaria. Masson editore, 1992<br />3.      Denny R. Hamish: Compendio di Chirurgia ortopedica del cane e del gatto. Traduzione Italiana a cura di Carlucci, Modenato, Citi, Girali Editore, 1998<br />4.      Fossum Theresa Welch: Chirurgia dei Piccoli Animali. Maqsson Editore, 2004<br />5.      Stashak T.S.: la zoppicatura nel cavallo, IV edizione, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. Ed. Italiana SBM Noceto (PR), 1990<br />6.      Rose R.J., Hodgson D.R.: Manual of Equine Practice 2/e. edizione Italiana a cura di Delfino Editore, 2005

Teaching methods

The teaching language is italian

Assessment methods and criteria

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Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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