Learning objectives
Practical knowledge of periodontology for the general dental practitioner, including periodontal diagnosis and documentation, elaboration of a periodontal treatment plan and treatment of periodontitis cases
Courses of Dental Hygiene (3rd year), Periodontology (4th and 5th year), Implant Dentistry
Course unit content
Critical knowledge of the scientific basis of periodontology and of the clinical procedures to diagnose and treat periodontal diseases
Full programme
Traineeship of the programs of the courses of Dental Hygiene (3rd year), Periodontology (4th and 5th year), Implant Dentistry
English edition
"Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry", 7th Ed.; edited by Lang N, Berglundh T, GIannobile W, Sanz M.
Italian edition
Testo atlante di parodontologia e terapia implantare. Società Italiana di Parodontologia (SIdP). Quintessenza 2017
Selection of scientific articles
Teaching methods
Discussion and treatment of clinical cases, traineeship
Assessment methods and criteria
Practical skills evaluation, proactive participation to teaching activities
Other information
Practical knowledge of the courses of Dental Hygiene (3rd year), Periodontology (4th and 5th year), Implant Dentistry
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
health and wellbeing; quality education