cod. 1004788

Academic year 2024/25
2° year of course - Annual
Professor responsible for the course unit
Antonella PARISINI
integrated course unit
12 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

It is expected that at the end of the course the student will be able:
1) to discuss deeply concepts of optics and of electromagnetism in the light of the achieved experimental verifications of phenomena;
2) to recognize and identify phenomena of electromagnetism and optics and to set up autonomously an experience, by checking systematic errors and critical issues;
3) to analyze data correctly and to describe the experiment carried out in a report with a correct scientific language;
4) to synthesize and link related experiences;
5) to propose customized approaches or in-depth analysis of one or more experiments (among those proposed), based on one's own interest and curiosity;
6) to have acquired manual skills in the use of electronics and optics;
7) to know the topics that are peculiar of the course.


Attendance of the courses: Physics Laboratory 1.

Course unit content

Electromagnetism and optics experiments.

Full programme

See the description of the cours in the specific pages of each modulus, I and II.


No printed textbook; see teaching notes on the specific pages of the two modules I and II.

Teaching methods

Topics covered in the course are presented by emphasizing the phenomenological aspects of geometrical optics, physical optics, some aspects of experimental electromagnetism and introductory knowledge on electrical circuits and electric measurements. Priority is
given to issues inherent in the experimental verification of the physical laws discussed. Lectures will include a brief introduction on the relevant theory of optics and electromagnetism followed by experiments of laboratory, discussion of experimental results and in some cases discussion of written exercises. Each experiment will be accompanied by written reports.
For details, refer to the individual modules.
In relation to the evolution of the Sars-Cov2 pandemic, the methods of teaching lessons and carrying out laboratory activities may vary, requiring the use of distance teaching methods.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment aims to ascertain the degree of theoretical knowledge and understanding of the topics (knowledge and understanding), but also the ability to set the experimental verification of a physical phenomenon (Applying knowledge and understanding), the ability to implement it independently and critically the proposed experiments and clearly discuss them (Independent judgment and Communication skills).
The exam is held separately for the two modules of the course. For both modules the preliminary presentation of the reports on the proposed experiences is required. For details, see the description of the exam in the specific pages for the two modules.
Overall, the exam can be summarized as follows: a laboratory test (in relation to the evolution of the Sars-Cov2 pandemic, this part of the exam could be eliminated or replaced by an in-depth discussion of an experimental method), a written questionnaire and two oral tests.
In relation to the evolution of the pandemic from Sars-Cov2, the exams can be carried out either in person or remotely via the Microsoft Teams platform.
The discussion of the themes proposed in the course is requested. It requires the ability to comment critically on the reports presented on the experiments carried out during the course.
The presentation of the reports, the practical test carried out (as proof of autonomy in the conduct of an experiment), the completeness of the preparation, the critical sense and the property of language are evaluated.
For further details refer to the individual modules.

Other information

Participation in at least 80% of laboratory experience is mandatory. In case of longer absence, recovery days can be organized at the end of the course. Under particular conditions (for example, in the case of working students) the opportunity to carry out personalized courses can be assessed.

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