Deputy Course President

Prof.ssa Eugenia Polverini  Tel: 0521.905254

The Deputy President assists the President in his activities and replaces him when necessary. She is responsible for publication in the degree course websites.

Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ)

Prof.ssa Stefania Abbruzzetti Tel: 0521.905208

The RAQ is a member of the teaching staff of the Degree Course who is appointed with the function of verifying the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance activities within the Course of Study; verifying the correct publication of the calendars of profit examinations, degree examinations, lectures, any seminar activities, teaching programmes (Syllabus), make the student component aware of the role and functions of the RAQ; to receive and arrange for the acceptance of any reports from students on critical issues concerning the proper conduct of teaching activities; to collaborate, within the Review Group, on the drafting of the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA) and the Cyclical Review Report (CBR).

Form for sending reports, complaints, suggestions, appreciations to the RAQ

Education Manager (MQD)

Dott. Marco Squarcia Tel: 0521.906094

The Education Manager promotes the organisation and functionality of the teaching of the degree course; he provides administrative support for everything concerning the organisation and functioning of the degree courses, in coordination with the Department's Education Manager; he updates the data on the Degree Course website.

Review Group (RG)

  • Prof. Luigi Cristofolini (Course President)
  • Prof.ssa Stefania Abbruzzetti (RAQ)
  • Prof. Andrea Baraldi
  • Dott. Marco Squarcia (MQD)
  • Sig. Jurgen Tedeschi (student representative).

The Review Group (RG) is composed of figures from within the Course and has the task of guiding it towards the goal of continuous improvement of its results.
The RG manages the process of self-evaluation, i.e. the process by which the degree course monitors its own performance and assesses its own results, according to the guidelines established by ANVUR. Its work takes the form of the compilation of an Annual Monitoring Form (AMS) and the drafting of the Cyclical Review Report (CBR), which is discussed within the Course Council and forwarded to the University Quality Assurance Committee and the University Evaluation Committee.

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Alessio Bosio Tel: 0521.905257

The Career Guidance Delegate organises and promotes initiatives aimed at facilitating the entry of graduating and graduate students into the world of work.

Teaching commitee

The Teaching Committee, consisting of four professors and the Secretary of the Degree Committee, is charged with the following tasks:
- provide support to students in developing their individual programme of study
- assess individual programme of study and previous careers;
- assess the requirements for admission to the Second-cycle Degree Course in Physics;
- propose the assignment of the final papers for the First-cycle Degree in Physics;
- propose the assignment of topics for seminars related to the Other Educational Activities for the Second-cycle Degree in Physics
- Propose the assignment of the Dissertations and Tutors for the Second-cycle Degree in Physics.

Members of the Teaching Committee:
Prof. Stefania Abbuzzetti - (Coordinator)
Prof. Marisa Bonini - (Secretary of the Degree Committee)
Prof. Luca Griguolo -
Prof. Mauro Riccò - 
Dott. Marco Squarcia - (Education Manager)

Joint Committee of Teachers and Students

The Joint Committee of Teachers and Students (CPDS) is a permanent observatory on teaching activities. The SMFI Department's CPDS is composed of one lecturer and one student from each of the department's degree programmes and is divided into sub-committees corresponding to the degree programmes belonging to the department.

Members of the CPDS for Degree Courses in Physics:

Prof. Massimo Ghidini
Prof. Luca Griguolo -
Dr. Ilaria Paliotti (student representative Second-cycle Degree) – 
Mr. Steven Gentili (student representative First-cycle Degree) –


Contact person for students with disabilities, Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) or vulnerable groups

Prof. Andrea Baraldi Tel: 0521.905234

The course contact person for vulnerable groups works in close cooperation with the CAI (Welcome and Inclusion University Centre) in the field of reception, care, social integration and rights of people with disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties (DSA), Special Educational Needs (BES).

Steering Committee

The first- and second-cycle Degree Courses in Physics, in order to verify the appropriateness of their educational objectives and the teaching they provide, need to activate a constant collaboration relationship with the various external entities. To this end, the Steering Committee (CI) was established to set up a consultation table between the  Course Council in Physics and representatives from the business world of work, the public administration, services, education and research.