Learning objectives
1st LEARNING ENPOINT: the student is expected to know the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system through a radiodiagnostic / arthroscopic approach
2nd LEARNING ENPOINT; the student is expected to be able to identify, recognize and describe the main structures of the muscoloskeletal system showed in imaging studies and during arthroscopy
3rd LEARNING POINT: the student is expected to be able to develop a clinico/surgical oriented anatomical-based thinking of musculoskeletal system
4th LEARNING ENPOINT: the student is expected to master the anatomical/clinical/radiological language
knowledge of the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system
Course unit content
Applied radiological anatomy of the musculo-skeletal system
Full programme
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No textbooks will be used; the lessons be based on the projection of imaging of the musculoskeletal system and videos of arthroscopic surgery
Teaching methods
The didactic activities will be mainly conducted through interactive frontal lessons which include the projection, description and commentary of Rx/CT/RMN images and arthroscopy videos
Assessment methods and criteria
The achievement of the objectives will be ascertained through interactive discussion with the students during lessons. Since this is an elective didactic activity, it is not expected a final exam, but only the certification of attendance.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
Radiological / RMN imaging of the main skeletal segments, description of the main joint structures visualized during arthroscopy