Course organisation

The tasks of the Course Council are governed by the University  Regulations.

The Council consists of the course teaching staff and researchers and a student representative.

Course President

Prof. Antonio Percesepe Tel: 0521.903057 The President convenes and chairs the Course Council and supervises its activities.

Course Council

 Regolamento Didattico di Ateneo.

The tasks of the Course Council are governed by the University Degree Course Regulations. The Council consists of the course professors/instructors and researchers as well as a student representative.

Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ)

The RAQ: collaborates with the course President and the Director of the Department in planning improvement actions and controls their implementation; monitors the correct performance of teaching activities and support services; informs the course President of any problem concerning the correct performance of teaching activities, also on the basis of students' reports.
> Form for sending reports, complaints, suggestions, appreciations to the RAQ

Education Manager (MQD)

Contact person for the Academic office: Giovanna Caselli The manager ensures the organisation and functionality of the didactics of the study course and manages and updates the content of the study course website.

Review Group (RG)

The RG: has the task of guiding the study course towards the goal of continuous improvement of results manages the self-assessment process by periodically monitoring the course data, detecting strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective and improvement actions.

  • Prof. Antonio Percesepe
  • Prof. Gabriele Missale
  • Prof. Massimo Corradi
  • Prof. Carlo Galli
  • Prof.ssa Elena Masselli
  • Prof. Francesco Potì
  • Sig.ra Giovanna Caselli
  • Elisavet Maria Vaiaki
  • Emilio Maddalena


Guidance delegate and tutoring

Advising and tutoring activities support students in their choice of university pathway and throughout their studies.

International Student Mobility Committee

The Committee manages student mobility (incoming and outgoing) in relation to all international exchange programmes (Erasmus Plus, Overworld etc.).
Composition of the Committee Prof. Roberto Sala:

Career guidance delegate

The Delegate organises and promotes initiatives aimed at facilitating the entry of graduating students and graduate students into the world of work.

Contact person for students with disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties (DSA) or vulnerable groups

The course contact person for vulnerable groups works in close cooperation with the CAI (University Welcome and Inclusion Centre) in the field of reception, care, social integration and rights of people with disabilities, Specific Learning Difficulties (DSA), Special Educational Needs (BES).

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee, which is composed of a representation of pharmaceutical course lecturers and representatives from the world of work, ensures constant liaison with the world of business and the world of work, in order to assess the progress of the Study Courses, to draw up proposals for the definition and design of the course catalogue and learning objectives, and to promote contacts for possible student training placements in companies and institutions.
Composition of the Steering Committee


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Giovanna Caselli

Manager E

President of the degree course

Prof.Antonio Percesepe

Faculty advisor TBD

Career guidance delegate TBD

Tutor Professor

[titolo] [nome] [cognome]
E. [email @unipr] 

Erasmus delegate

Prof.ssa Elena Masselli

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Elena Masselli

Internships  TBD

Tutor students TBD