Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge to understand the many factors that may interact with individual health; particularly for infectious and contagious diseases, students should acquire the ability to evaluate the conditions and situations associated to the risk of their spread. Students will acquire the ability to identify, as regards different transmission modes of infections and specifically for each pathology treated, "critical points" of spread, any categories of persons most exposed in relation to their working activity, the implications associated with the propagation of infectious pathogens and types of intervention to be applied preventively.
In addition, the occupational hygiene module aims to provide the student with the regulatory and application knowledge on the requirements that the workplace must possess to ensure health and safety conditions appropriate to the type of production and work activity carried out.
Course unit content
A module of the course is addressed to the knowledge of the basic concepts of epidemiology and general prevention of infectious diseases and chronic degenerative diseases with special reference to current issues of public health and the study of the relationship between public health and environment considered in its main arrays.
A second module is dedicated to a detailed study of the most important infectious diseases associated with occupational activities, highlighting the fundamental epidemiological aspects and prevention strategies to control their spread. Finally the third form is aimed to study the fundamentals of health and safety in the workplace: It analyzes the contents of Annex IV of D.Lgs. 81/08 and features: in particular, the characteristics and requirements of the working environment, equipments, solutions and remediation measures that can be adopted.
Full programme
Barbuti, Fara, Giammanco - Igiene Medicina Preventiva Sanità Pubblica
EdiSES università II edizione
educational material provided by the teacher: lessons slides
Teaching methods
The lessons will take place with frontal mode in presence; the explanations of the teacher will be supported by the projection of slides suitably prepared that will also be provided to students as teaching material of study deposited on the specific platform for access reserved for students (Elly).
During the lessons will be submitted to students questions, requests for examples, analysis of situations or problems to verify the degree of understanding of the concepts illustrated; moreover, with regard to the module of occupational hygiene, will be involved in exercises, aimed at identifying the presence of health and hygiene requirements of the workplace through the analysis of graphics, and in a work of organization and synthesis of the knowledge learned, in small groups, with subsequent presentation in plenary.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam will be oral: to verify the level of learning reached, the student will be required to be able to revise the basic notions acquired contextualizing them in particular situations or examples. The student must demonstrate that he has learned the basic principles of epidemiology and prevention and be able to evaluate the general preventive interventions to be taken in the workplace and the environment, according to different modes and levels of exposure to risks.
For the Occupational Hygiene module, the presentation in plenary of the individual synthesis works constitutes an assessment of the learnings. Only in the event of insufficient assessment of the submission, an oral examination will be carried out. The student will have to demonstrate that he has learned, and be able to recognize, the main regulatory provisions to ensure workers a working environment compliant with health and safety requirements.
Students with DSA/BSE must contact the Reception and Inclusion Centre (CSI) of the University in advance.
Other information
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
health and wellness