Learning objectives
- To provide knowledge about the constituents of food
- To provide knowledge regarding the chemical transformations that occur in food, their effect on product quality and the potential effect on consumer health
- To provide knowledge regarding the chemical complexity of food, with respect to the content of nutrients, bioactive compounds and xenobiotics, and the possible impact on human health
- Develop critical communication and judgment skills regarding the major food safety emergencies with particular attention to those under assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Develop critical communication and judgment skills regarding the main concepts of food safety, novel food and authenticity
Fundamentals in chemistry and organic chemistry
Course unit content
- Chemical aspects of food (macro)elements (water, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates)
- Low molecular weight molecules with biological activity (vitamins, contaminants and other xenobiotics)
- Main chemical reactions and transformations occurring as a result of food processing
- Concepts of authenticity, novel food, organic, biodynamic and GMO productions, food safety and risk assessment
- Main contaminants with xenobiotic activity
- Hints on contaminant mitigation methods
Full programme
1. La chimica e gli alimenti. Nutrienti e aspetti nutraceutici. di L. Mannina, M. Daglia, A. Ritieni, CEA 2019
2. Food Chemistry 4th Edition - Belitz, Grosch, Schieberle, Springer 2009
Slides provided by the lecturer
Teaching methods
In accordance with the current directives, the course consists of face-to-face lectures with compulsory attendance.
The slides projected during the lessons constitute didactic material and will be provided, together with further in-depth material, through the Elly platform.
Assessment methods and criteria
The examination consists of an interview to assess the preparation of the student* with regard to the topics covered during the course and will be based on an individual written paper whose topic will be assigned to each student* in the closing lecture of the course.
In more detail, the written paper should consist of a critical and knowledge-based discussion of a specific topic (assigned to each student* in the closing lecture of the course) in relation to the topics covered during the course. It must have the structure of a scientific article and must not exceed 10 pages in total, including abstract and bibliography.
The colloquium will start from the discussion of the paper (the evaluation of which will weigh on the final grade) and will develop through questions aimed at assessing the student*'s overall understanding of the course topics.
NB: on the basis of the University's current guidelines, the examination will be conducted in person.
Other information
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development