cod. 1009694

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Second semester
Gabriele Andrea LUGLI
Academic discipline
Microbiologia generale (BIO/19)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
48 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the basic knowledge of Microbiology to students who do not have a biological background to make them understand the main phenomena involved in the biological processes of bacteria.
The student will learn the modern methodologies for identifying microorganisms, starting from complex microbial communities and their applications.
With the knowledge of general microbiology provided to the student in the first part of the course, they will acquire the necessary skills to distinguish the different types of interaction that microorganisms have with materials.
Finally, the notions learned about the different cellular biological processes will allow students to understand how bacterial cells can be used to produce biomaterials and/or biomolecules.



Course unit content

The course is divided into two main topics. The first one aims to give a solid background of microbiological knowledge, which is essential for understanding how microorganisms can interact and modify the characteristics of materials.
Once the concepts of microbial cells and their biology have been defined, examples of how microorganisms interact with the surrounding environment will be provided by studying complex microbial communities.
The second part of the course describes different interactions that microorganisms can establish with various materials, including their modifications through microbial activities, the production of biomaterials by microorganisms, and the use of nanomaterials to study bacteria.

Full programme

The topics covered in the course are listed below:
1. Introduction to the microbial cell (bacterial morphology and cytology);
2. Fundamentals of microbial physiology (catabolic and anabolic processes of the prokaryotic cell);
3. Microbial growth and its control;
4. Microbial biodiversity and ecosystems;
5. Approaches for microbial profiling in human ecosystems;
6. Interaction of microorganisms and microbial communities (microbiota) with materials;
7. Production of biomaterials, biomolecules, and new materials through the use of microbial biotechnologies;
8. Preservation/deterioration of materials and microorganisms;
9. The restoration of materials and microorganisms (biorestoration);
10. Application of nanomaterials in the microbiological field.


Since no reference text includes all the topics covered, the teacher will provide scientific articles and texts to understand each topic covered in class.
We suggest the reference textbook Biologia dei Microorganismi, Dehò, Galli, CEA for those willing to deepen the general microbiology part.
Furthermore, the slides of the lessons will be shared weekly with the students to guarantee a didactic reference of the teaching course.

Teaching methods

The course includes lectures with the projection of teaching material.
Each topic will be explored with the help of scientific articles that will allow the student to understand how the different topics are treated in the field of scientific research.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam consists of an oral presentation based on a scientific article covering the contents of the course. Questions will be asked on interconnected program topics based on the presented subject.
The evaluation of the exam will follow the following criteria present in the Dublin Descriptors:
1. Ability to communicate scientific topics related to the oral presentation;
2. Level of knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in class;
3. Ability to make connections between the topics presented and the different contents of the course;
4. Degree of mastery of the topics’ theoretical and practical aspects.
To students with specific learning disabilities (concerning the ministerial decree of 12 July 2011), dispensatory measures will be applied, and extra time will be granted up to a maximum of 30%. Also, in such circumstances, content will be valued more than form.

Other information

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