cod. 1008780

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - First semester
Maria Giovanna GRECO
Academic discipline
Diritto del lavoro (IUS/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student must be able to:
know the fundamental principles of trade union law, the individual employment relationship, and the regulation of the labor market;
understand the distinction between employee and self-employment;
know the rights of the worker, and the powers and prerogatives of the employer;
know the negotiation models through which the hiring of the workforce is carried out;
understand the main critical issues related to the performance and termination of the employment relationship


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Course unit content

The course deals with the main legal institutions of trade union law and the individual working relationship. The program is divided into the following points: history and evolution of trade union law; trade union freedom; the trade union organization and the collective representation of workers within the company; trade union rights; the collective agreement; strike; history and evolution of the employment relationship discipline; Employment, quasi-dependent work and self-employed work; the establishment and administration of the employment relationship; powers and duties of the parties; withdrawal and dismissal; flexible contractual types; organization and regulation of the labor market

Full programme

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A. Di Stasi, S. Giubboni, V. Pinto, Lezioni di diritto del lavoro, Il Mulino, 2022, chapters: I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV; XV, XVIII, XIX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV

Teaching methods

The course consists of frontal lessons. During the didactic activity, the peculiarities of each institute will be point out and the general issues connected to their practical application and to trends case law will be discussed.

The teaching materials (slides, sentences, etc.) used during the lessons will be uploaded to the elly platform on a weekly basis

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam consists in a oral test based on rather three different questions in order to verify:

- The knowledge and the comprehension of the contests of the course;
- The knowledge of the doctrinal and case law matters;
- The capability of solving concrete cases.
- The use of an appropriate technical and legal language.
The vote will be awarded according to the following value system:
Below 18/30 – insufficient level: the student does not achieve any of the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph;
18-20/30 – sufficient level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph;
21-20/30 – fully sufficient level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph and "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph;
24-26/30 – good level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph and “Self-assessment” paragraph;
27-29/30 – very good level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, “Self-assessment” paragraph and “Communication skills” paragraph;
30/30 cum laude: excellent level: the student achieves the learning outcomes included in the "Knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, "Practise knowledge and understanding skills" paragraph, “Self-assessment” paragraph, “Communication skills” paragraph and “Understanding skills” paragraph.
Attending students will be able to take the exam in a written test, with multiple choice questions, concerning the topics covered during the course, the outcome of which will form the basis of the final evaluation.
The date, the topics covered by the partial tests and the procedures will be defined during the lessons.
The result of the test will be announced through publication on the Elly platform.
The active participation to the classes, through answering questions and participation to the discussions proposed by the professor, will allow to evaluate the effectiveness of the educating process (and eventually change the didactic approach) and the level of the knowledge achieved by students.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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