cod. 16668

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Second semester
Roberto DE RENZI
Academic discipline
Fisica della materia (FIS/03)
Microfisico e della struttura della materia
Type of training activity
78 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Properties of condensed matter are extremely varied and often surprising. The student will gain knowledge of the main phenomena and their explanation. Concepts and methods introduced by previous courses (classical physics, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics) will be employed to quantitatively describe crucial the solid properties. Learning to solve problems implies analysing each of them and selecting the appropriate method, as well as being able to communicate the essential results.


The student must be familiar with classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics, althoug there is no explicit formal requisite for any of the corresponding exams.

Course unit content

Solid State Physics

Full programme

The extended program coincides roughly with the book contents.
Molecules (2 lectures + 1 exercise sessision) will be treated as soon as the Quantum Mechanics course has completed the part on atoms, together with the discussion of chemical bond in solids. Additional resources are provided for superconductivity (2 lectures + 1 exercise sessision).

The detailed program is also available on the course elly web site


* Steven H Simon The Oxford Solid State Basics OUP 2013
Further readings
* Nicola Mannini, Introduction to the Physics of Matter, Basic Atomic, Molecular, and Solid-State Physics Ed. Springer (2020)
* Neil W Ashcroft e N David Mermin Solid State Physics Ed. Holt-Sanders (2003)
Additional material provided by the lecturer on Molecules, Superconductors

Teaching methods

Lectures, homeworks and exercises.

Exercises are directed at applying methods and understanding developed in the front lectures, and at making critical judgements upon their application. Lecture slides, problems and additional materials is provided on the Elly moodle pages within the date of each lecture. Six homeworks are individually marked. The main textbook is indicated below. The course follows it quite closely.

Assessment methods and criteria

Homeworks will be marked (0-30).

Two written papers during the year will be graded similarly according to a published grid.

The final marks will be the average of the three. An oral examination (marked 0-30) can replace one failed paper, and consists in the discussion of equivalent problems. The final marks will be the average of the passed tests and of the mean paper marks.

Other information

Further details on

Lectures and problem solving sessions are in presence. Additional video material will be made available.