cod. 1009808

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Annalena VENNERI
Academic discipline
Psicobiologia e psicologia fisiologica (M-PSI/02)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: Medical Humanities

Learning objectives

The aim of this course is to provide students in depth knowledge on the ethical principles governing the medical profession, research in medicine, personal data protection, decision making processes, assessment of mental capacity, and the overall set of laws and regulations governing different aspects of the patient/doctor interaction



Course unit content

Basic principles on the role of ethics in the medical profession, its governing principles, confidentiality, clinical trials, decision making process, informed consent, personal data protection, determining mental capacity, bioethics basic principles, relevant law

Full programme

Introduction to medical ethics, basic ethical principles, challenges in medical ethics, decision making, bioethics and it principles, moral dilemmas, choice, issues in implementing ethical principles, ethics and public health, ethics and medical research, informed consent, mental capacity assessment, personal data protection, relevant law and ethics


Specific scientific articles will be provided for each lecture

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars, reading and critical discussion of scientific articles.

Assessment methods and criteria

Final multiple choice written examination on the reading material and lecture material

Other information

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