cod. 16753

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze e tecnologie alimentari (AGR/15)
"scienze della prevenzione nell'ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro"
Type of training activity
14 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide knowledge on the characteristics of the products and the technologies used in the food industry for the elimination or reduction of microbiological, chemical and physical hazards.
At the end of the course, the student must be able to set up and control a food process with particular reference to product safety, according to international and European guidelines.
Thanks to the information provided, the student will be able to critically evaluate the approaches to be adopted to ensure food safety, extending the concepts to other food processes and other product categories, regardless of the specific case studies covered during the course.
The student will learn the specific vocabulary related to food equipments and processing, as well as on food safety.
Student will be able to deepen his knowledge in the field of food processing by independently examining specialized texts, international journals or magazines.


There are no prerequisites.

Course unit content

The course aims to illustrate how the intrinsic characteristics of food products, the production processes and the storage conditions can influence the sensory and hygienic quality of the final products. The industrial production of some categories of food products will therefore be addressed, with particular reference to safety and shelf-life aspects.

Full programme

Legal and voluntary food quality starndards.
Food intrinsic and extrinsic parameters to inhibit microbial growth.
Food industry processes: pasteurization, sterilization, drying, freezing.
Case studies on specific food products.


Slides provided from teacher and other materials dealing with the course will be uploaded on elly platform.

Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero - casearia - Qualità e sicurezzaMucchetti Neviani
Arte Bianca-Edagricole
Industria dei salumi-Edagricole
La trasformazione industriale di frutta ed ortaggi- Edagricole

Teaching methods

Classes will be organized face-to-face with the possibility to watch the video recordings also remotely, according to the rules dictated by the University. Teaching will be carried out through lectures in the classroom with the help of slides that will represent teaching material. The recommended texts are in support and integration of the slides. The slides will be uploaded to Elly before each class and not all together at the beginning of the course.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam is a written exam. The written text consists of 3 questions about general topics relating to the whole program of the course. Honors will be awarded, at the discretion of the instructor, if an excellent level of learning of the expected results is verified. From the answers given by the student, the teacher tests his/her ability to understand the different steps of food processes topic of the course and the interconnections between these various steps. In addition, specific questions will be also present in the examination text from whose responses the teacher will assess the understanding of the principles of food technology and quality management applied to processes and products covered in the course.
The teacher will assess the degree of understanding of the subject by the completeness of the responses and the ability of the student to establish
connections between the various topics giving a score commensurate with the expressed understanding and capabilities. The final score of the course
will be the arithmetic mean of the scores of the three modules of the integrated course: SCIENZE DELLA PREVENZIONE APPLICATE ALLA SICUREZZA ALIMENTARE.
The final marks will be published as soon as possible on Esse3 platform.
The students can make an appointment with the teacher to discusss about the final mark and view the results.
If taking the written exam in person will be impossible for health safety reasons imposed by the University, the exam will be carried out remotely by means of an oral test.

Other information

During classes, the correct use of technical language will be illustrated and the connections between the various parts of the course will be underlined. These aspects are essential for a complete understanding of the subject. During the course an interactive lesson form will be proposed.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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