Learning objectives
- Main objective of the Course is the development of a study path that will enhance the student’s critical attitude and ability to correlate, structure and compare cultural phenomena with other educational aspects. To reach this objective the acquisition of sociological competences will be crucial, to describe and interpretate the relationship between culture, society and education in different epistemological perpectives.
- Knowledge of the main sociological theories corresponding to socio-cultural-educational systems, in order to analyze their theoretical and conceptual frames.
- Knowledge and ability to interpretate the transformation of cultural and educational systems in the wider frame of general social changing.
- Acquire descriptive and analytical competences both on the role of the educational processes in western society and on main theories and empirical research about the relationship on culture and education.
- Acquire the competences to interpretate in a sociological perspective diferences, inequalities, equity, effectiveness and quality of cultural and educational systems.
Course unit content
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Full programme
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Crespi F., Manuale di sociologia della cultura. Laterza, 2013
Russel A., Per amore o per denaro. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
Burke P., La storia culturale. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019
Teaching methods
The main teaching method will be frontal lesson. During the Course multimedia and interactive resources will be used to integrate contents and promote an active dialogue with students.
Assessment methods and criteria
- Final assessment will consist in oral examination on lesson’s contents and specific literature made available to the student.
- Ability to establish relationship between strictly cultural phenomena, educational system and sociological educational problems will be assessed. This ability is the main focus both of frontal lessons and bibliography.
- Examination will be based on open questions. They will not be limited to content assessment, but will be formulated in order to understand if the candidate is able to establish relationships between the various theoretical and methodological frameworks, according to lessons content and reference bibliography.
- The assessment criteria are three:
1. Knowledge of the main topics of the lessons articulated in thematic paths, and of the reference bibiography.
2. Ability to understand theoretical and methodological problems.
3. Ability to establish relationships between the different contents and aspects of the subject matter.
If the student complies with all of these three criteria, he will be evaluated with a 18/30 mark or more.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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