cod. 03079

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Psicologia dello sviluppo e psicologia dell'educazione (M-PSI/04)
"discipline didattiche e per l'integrazione dei disabili"
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to favour students' knowledge of the psychological processes of development and adjustment of individuals in life span, with a specific focus on the period from the early infancy to adolescence. In addition, students will be able to develop knowledge about the main characteristics and phases of cognitive, affective and social development. Moreover, the course will offer students a deepening of the observational methods both in the research field and in the real life contexts.
Through the discussion of some research-intervention projects, the course also aims to offer students opportunities for learning the practical implications of developmental psychology in different life contexts.
Finally, the course aims to provide students some relevant competences: the skills to learning, the ability of independent judgment with respect to theoretical and methodological issues and the ability to communicate about the aspects they have discussed and learned.


Because it is a basic first year course, there are no specific pre-requisites concerning the psychology disciplines.

Course unit content

The course includes the following parts:
1. The presentation of the main theoretical models of the developmental psychology, with a particular attention on the developmental factors e processes
2. The presentation of the characteristics and the main phases of the cognitive, emotive and social development
3. The deepening of observation as one of the main methods of developmental psychology
4. From theory to practice and vice versa: research-intervention paths in ECEC centers

Full programme

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Caravita, S., Milani, L., Traficante, D. (2018). Psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'educazione.
Bologna: Il Mulino.

Maida, S., Molteni, L., Nuzzo, A. (2009). Educazione e osservazione: teorie, metodologie e tecniche. Roma: Carocci.

Teaching methods

The course proposes interactive lessons that provides slides and videos, materials that will be available to the students on the learning platform. Taking in account the number of the students present in class, in the course active methods will employ that include participation and interactions of and between the students, such as, work groups, and oral presentations in the classroom, case studies and active discussions on particularly relevant topics. These methodologies will be very useful to encourage the acquisition of the ability to learning, the ability to apply this knowledge in real life, independent judgment and communication skills.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final test consists of a written examination with 60 multiple choice questions. An optional oral interview follows, only if the student wants it.
The written test will be evaluated in thirtieths and will be considered passed only if the minimum score of 18 is reached. Only those who, having passed the written test, can take the oral exam, which allows the score achieved in the written test to be integrated.

Other information

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