Learning objectives
By the end of the course, students should have gained competence in the following areas related to endodontics:
- Identifying pulp and periradicular diseases
- Collecting a patient's medical history and performing a thorough physical examination to diagnose endodontic issues
- Accurately diagnosing dental pain
- Understanding endodontic instruments and their uses
- Understanding the rationale and phases of endodontic treatment.
General and oral physiology
Oral histology
Oral and dental anatomy
General and oral microbiology
Oral radiology
Course unit content
Biology of the normal pulp and etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and associated periradicular conditions
Full programme
Development, structure, function and ageing of
pulp and periradicular tissues
Endodontic anatomy
Pulp and periradicular diseases
Endodontic Microbiology
Correlations between endodontic infections and general health
General and dental history.
Clinical examination
Access cavity
Armamentarium in endodontics
Foundamentals of root canal shaping
Foundamentals root canal cleaning
Foundamentals of root canal obturation
Hints of endodontic retreatment
Hints of surgical endodontic treatment
Endodontics in traumatology
Endontics in primary dentition
Vital pulp therapy
Endodontics Vol 1-2-3
A. Castellucci
Ed. Il Tridente
Endodonzia Vol 1-2-3
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures
Assessment methods and criteria
The summative evaluation of learning involves a written exam with open-ended questions on the topics covered during the course, exercises, and clinical cases. The test takes place during the last meeting and lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The written exam and the practical test related to the pre-clinical training will be evaluated by assigning a score on a scale from 0-30. The final grade for the integrated course of Restorative Dentistry will correspond to the average of the grades for the various courses. The score 30 cum laude is assigned after agreement of the examination commitee
Other information
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