Learning objectives
With reference to the specific subjects: knowledge and understanding;
applying knowledge and understanding; making judgements;
communication skills; learning skills.
Exams of Microbiology e Semeiotics.
Course unit content
Il corso di "IGIENE, SANITA’ PUBBLICA E POLITICHE DELLA SALUTE" è costituito da 6 moduli: "Igiene generale e applicata", "Igiene generale e applicata (interdisciplinare)", "Epidemiologia e organizzazione sanitaria", Economia aziendale", "Etica e bioetica", "Il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, la medicina di famiglia, l'ordine professionale".
Full programme
Definition of epidemiology and the importance of the denominator. Sources of epidemiological data.
Status and movement of populations
Average life, life expectancy at birth, old age index, infant mortality rate. The main epidemiological measures of frequency and risk: proportions and rates, prevalence and incidence (cumulative and person-time)
The secondary, spurious and causal association, the criteria of causality. Classification of observational epidemiological studies: case-report, analysis of current, cross-sectional, case-control, cohort statistics. Outline of randomized clinical trials.
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
Health systems and the organization of assistance in Italy. The articulations of the National Health Service
Health planning in Italy.
The national prevention plan 2020-2025.
International Health and Global Health.
Concepts of Hygiene, Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Health Policies. Concept of health and its evolution.
Levels of prevention: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary. Epidemiology and general prophylaxis of infectious diseases (part treated in the third year of the course): Methods of transmission of infectious diseases.
Direct prophylaxis and indirect prophylaxis; Direct prophylaxis (Notification, Diagnostic assessment, Isolation, Cleaning, Disinfection, Sterilization, Disinfestation, Active and passive immunoprophylaxis, Primary and secondary chemoprophylaxis).
Epidemiology and prevention of healthcare-related infections (HAIs). Epidemiology and prevention of antimicrobial resistance.
Hand hygiene.
Food hygiene: foodborne infections and food poisoning, the main agents responsible for food infections and poisoning and control strategies.
The HACCP system and its applications.
The determinants of health and disease.
Risk factors / protective factors related to lifes.
Introduction to Health economics and health management.
The Eco-assisted visit: eco-topographic anatomy and advantages of ultrasound semeiotics
Basic medicine as told to medical students Part 1
The Eco-assisted visit: execution of the examination, indications and its objectives in thoraco-abdominal pathology.
The basic medicine told to the students of Medicine Part 2
Family medicine at the time of the Coronavirus and the role of the family doctor in the SSN.
Territorial medicine, PDTA and ADI. Group Medicine and Health Homes. Primary Care: the GP between past, present and future 1
Primary Care: the GP between past, present and future 2
Screening of the movie "Next Generation MMG" by SIMG (Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care) + The Parma model: Hospital- Territory Integration (UMM, SPOC on call specialist, anti-Covid Operations Center)
Home care, intermediate care and community hospital.
The Eco-assisted visit: eco-topographic anatomy and advantages of ultrasound semeiotics
Basic medicine as told to medical students Part 1
The Eco-assisted visit: execution of the examination, indications and its objectives in thoraco-abdominal pathology.
The basic medicine told to the students of Medicine Part 2
Family medicine at the time of the Coronavirus and the role of the family doctor in the SSN.
Territorial medicine, PDTA and ADI. Group Medicine and Health Homes. Primary Care: the GP between past, present and future 1
Primary Care: the GP between past, present and future 2
Screening of the movie "Next Generation MMG" by SIMG (Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care) + The Parma model: Hospital- Territory Integration (UMM, SPOC on call specialist, anti-Covid Operations Center)
Home care, intermediate care and community hospital.
- The ethical aspects of the profession
- clinical risk and ethical aspects in relations between doctors - communication in medicine
- aspects of the end of life and tragic choices in medicine
• Signorelli C. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica SEU, Roma, 2021.
• Tarsitani G, Signorelli C, Mastroeni I. Igiene, Epidemiologia e Sanità Pubblica. 5000 Quesiti a scelta multipla (V EDIZIONE). SEU Roma, 2012
• Materiale didattico utilizzato durante le lezioni fornito dal docente attraverso la piattaforma Elly
1) Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, XVIII ed. Mc. Graw Hill ed.
2) Goldman-Cecil Medicina Interna, XXV ed. Edra SPA editor
- Updated medical code of ethics
- Ministerial manuals on clinical risk and communication
- Material hearings on the end of life at the Italian Parliament 2019-20
- SIAARTI document on tragic choices and the SIAARTI-FNOMCeO Commission
Teaching methods
Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented.
Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly).
Assessment methods and criteria
The course includes an oral exam in order to assess the knowledge and skills acquired by the students during the course; moreover critical analysis and communication skills acquired will be evaluated.
In case of the persistence of the health emergency, the exams will be conducted remotely, as follows:
remote oral questions, through the Teams platform (guide http://selma.unipr.it/).
Students with SLD / BSE must first contact Le Eli-che: support for students with disabilities, D.S.A., B.E.S.(https://sea.unipr.it/it/servizi/le- eli-che- supporto-studenti-con-disabilita-dsa-bes)
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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