cod. 08711

Academic year 2022/23
5° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Principles and methods for the laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases -
Demonstration of the pathogenic agent and its constituents in the pathological
material - Demonstration of a recent specific immune response - The medical
prescription of microbiological and virological investigations - Collection, transport
and preservation of the clinical samples for microbiological and virological
investigations - Aetiology, outline of pathogenesis, clinical samples, laboratory
diagnostic procedures, interpretation of the results of microbiological investigations
regarding the diagnosis of:
Infections of the respiratory apparatus - Infections of the intestinal apparatus and
related glands - Systemic infections - Infections of the cardiovascular apparatus -
Infections of the central nervous system - Infections of the genitourinary apparatur
and sexually - transmitted infections - Infections of the skin and cutaneous adnexa -
Infections of the muscular-skeletal apparatus - Infections of the eye and the earprenatal,
connatal and perinatal infections - The nosocomial infections - The
determination of susceptibility/resistance of the pathogenic agents to
chemotherapeutics - Methods - Interpretation of the results - The dosage of
chemotherapeutics in tissues and biological fluids.
The student should (1) know the most commonly prescribed laboratory analyses in clinical pathology, (2) understand their role in diagnostic procedures, follow up and therapy monitoring, (3) properly evaluate their cost/benefit ratio and (4) apply this information to relevant clinical examples.
The aim of this corse is to provide a clear-cut on the generation of laboratory data so as it is clear to the clinician its reliability, the crucial steps source of possible errors, the value of a lab test regarding the planned clinical path, the consistency and plausibility of those many lab data obtainable (from the more recent lab instrumentations) according to the clinician request (for example as function of the diagnostic hypothesis).


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Course unit content

Principles and methods for the laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases -
Demonstration of the pathogenic agent and its constituents in the pathological
material - Demonstration of a recent specific immune response - The medical
prescription of microbiological and virological investigations - Collection, transport
and preservation of the clinical samples for microbiological and virological
investigations - Aetiology, outline of pathogenesis, clinical samples, laboratory
diagnostic procedures, interpretation of the results of microbiological investigations
regarding the diagnosis of:
Infections of the respiratory apparatus - Infections of the intestinal apparatus and
related glands - Systemic infections - Infections of the cardiovascular apparatus -
Infections of the central nervous system - Infections of the genitourinary apparatur
and sexually - transmitted infections - Infections of the skin and cutaneous adnexa -
Infections of the muscular-skeletal apparatus - Infections of the eye and the earprenatal,
connatal and perinatal infections - The nosocomial infections - The
determination of susceptibility/resistance of the pathogenic agents to
chemotherapeutics - Methods - Interpretation of the results - The dosage of
chemotherapeutics in tissues and biological fluids.
- The laboratory in hematology.
- Laboratory evaluation of hemostasis.
- Clinical pathology of neoplasia
- Systemic parameters of inflammation and immunity
Pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical variability. Types of biological samples and optimal procedures to collect them. Variables affecting laboratory data
The concept of normal values in biology and the risk functions (normal values stated by statistical calculations or by biological observations; desirable values and risk function; decisional values for diagnostic or therapeutic purpose).
Interpretation of the complete urinalysis test.
Interpretation of enzymatic and iso-enzymatic tests like auxiliary diagnostic tool in some specific organ disease.
Laboratory test modifications by diseases affecting purine metabolism.
Markers of function or damage of some organs and systems. Index of cytolysis. Laboratory test modifications by diseases affecting the hydro-electrolyte balance. Interpreting the variations of acid-base parameters and possible pathological conditions.
Interpretation of the modifications of plasma protein profile.

Full programme

Principles and methods for the laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases -
Demonstration of the pathogenic agent and its constituents in the pathological
material - Demonstration of a recent specific immune response - The medical
prescription of microbiological and virological investigations - Collection, transport
and preservation of the clinical samples for microbiological and virological
investigations - Aetiology, outline of pathogenesis, clinical samples, laboratory
diagnostic procedures, interpretation of the results of microbiological investigations
regarding the diagnosis of:
Infections of the respiratory apparatus - Infections of the intestinal apparatus and
related glands - Systemic infections - Infections of the cardiovascular apparatus -
Infections of the central nervous system - Infections of the genitourinary apparatur
and sexually - transmitted infections - Infections of the skin and cutaneous adnexa -
Infections of the muscular-skeletal apparatus - Infections of the eye and the earprenatal,
connatal and perinatal infections - The nosocomial infections - The
determination of susceptibility/resistance of the pathogenic agents to
chemotherapeutics - Methods - Interpretation of the results - The dosage of
chemotherapeutics in tissues and biological fluids.
A) Clinical pathology in hematology:
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Anemia (sideropenic, of chronic disease, aplastic; sideroblastic, B12 and folate deficiency; hemolytic)
- Hemoglobinopathies
- Disorders of white blood cells
- Disorders of iron metabolism
- Lymphoproliferative and myeloproliferative disorders

B) The laboratory in hemostasis:
- Bleeding disorders: alterations of primary and secondary hemostasis
- Thromboembolic disease and thrombophilia
- Monitoring of anticoagulant therapies

C) Inflammation and immunity:
- ESR and acuta phase proteins
- Complement, cytokines and chemokines
- Antibodies
- Cellular immunity
- Autoimmune diseases
- Immunodeficiency
- IgE-mediated hypersensitivity

D) Neoplasia:
- Tumor markers: concepts and classification
- Selected examples of tumor markers tumorali
- Genetic markers


M.Bendinelli, A. Calderaro, C. Chezzi, G. Dettori, N. Manca, G. Morace, L. Polonelli, M.A. Tufano - - Monduzzi Editore - 2006-2012 - Microbiologia Medica: Batteriologia, Micologia, Parassitologia, Virologia. Gli agenti infettivi dell'uomo: biologia, azione patogena, laboratorio.
Antoniozzi, Gulletta (eds.)
Medicina di laboratorio
Logica & Patologia Clinica
III ed., Piccin, Padova, 2019
The slides used during the lectures will be made available on the Elly Platform (CLINICAL PATHOLOGY).

Teaching methods

Live and streaming oral e practical lesson in clinical diagnostic laboratories.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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