Learning objectives
Learning outcomes of the course unit:
The objective of the course is to give to the students the basis of optical network structure, operation, and management. Students will understand which are the traffic requirements and operator choices behind a network design. In particular, the following concepts will be introduced:
- Definition of OTN networks
- Routing and grooming
- Resiliency
- Optical reconfiguration
By applying the above-mentioned knowledge and the weekly practical work, the student will be able at the end of the course to:
- Design and plan optical communication networks
- Implement a planning tool
- Write a report with analysis of a network planning
- Basic knowledge of programming (C, C++, Java)
- Basic knowledge of optical devices
Course unit content
Introduction to optical networking: principle and challenges.
Optical network hierarchies: core, metro and access
Introduction to the network design
Optical Transport Network (OTN)
Capacity and Flow assignment problems in communication networks
Optical switching, routers and Optical terminals
Transparent network evolution
Multilayer networks
Network survivability objectives and resiliency techniques
Automatic optical reconfiguration: from static to dynamic networks
Advantages of reconfigurable and multilayer networks
The future of optical networks: the 5G era
Full programme
Classes are divided into two parts: theoretical and practical lessons. During the week two classes (2 hours each) of theoretical and practical lessons alternate (hereafter odd lessons relate to theoretical classes, even to practical).
Lesson 1: Introduction to the optical networking: principle and challenges.
- Enabling technologies
- Telecom network overview
- Business models
- WDM evolution
Lesson 2: Class on network planning tools. Introduction to Net2Plan.
Lesson3: Optical network hierarchies: core, metro and access.
- Structure and topologies
- Traffic types
- Dedicated equipment
- Challenges
- Performance targets
Lesson 4: use of Net2Plan: some simple exercise.
Lesson 5: Introduction to the network design
- Traffic engineering vs network engineering vs network design
- Static vs Dynamic routing
- Exact and heuristic network design modeling: network design based on mathematical modelling; network design based on heuristics
- Routing metrics
- Routing strategies
- Routing orders
- Multicast routing
- Multipath routing
- Design of circuit switching networks
Lesson 6: Git or versioning tools for managing a project.
Lesson 7: Optical Transport Network (OTN)
- Definitions
- Optical and upper layers
- Multi-protocol networks
- Heterogenous network interoperability
Lesson 8: Dynamic networks and event generator.
Lesson 9: Capacity and Flow assignment problems in communication networks
- Queuing theory
- Delay analysis
- Capacity assignment problem
- Traffic modeling: definitions and properties
Lesson 10: Definition of a planning project: problem statement, description of the provided solution, discussion of the results and comparison among different scenarios.
Lesson 11: Optical switching and routers and Optical terminals
- Optical and electrical switches
- Fixed and reconfigurable optical switches (F- / R-OADM)
- ROADM properties
- Hierarchical or multigranular switches
- Packet-optical transport
- WDM transceivers
- Client layer
- Integrating WDM transceivers in the client layer
- Photonic integrated circuits
Lesson 12: Network planning: definition of optical resources and blocking ration as a function of static and dynamic traffic.
Lesson 13: Transparent network evolution
- From opaque to transparent networks (Optical reach definition, transparent islands, 3R regenerators / wavelength convertors)
- Very high capacity networks
- From fixed to flex grid networks
- Introduction of such constraints in the network design
Lesson 14: Introduction to the connectivity graph; management of regeneration and wavelength converters in a routing algorithm.
Lesson 15: Multilayer networks
- End-to-End multiplexing
- Grooming definition
- Grooming node architecture
- Grooming trade-off
- Grooming strategies
- Grooming network studies
Lesson 16: Traffic aggregation and grooming, different algorithms: connectivity graph vs routing and knapsack algorithms.
Lesson 17: Network survivability objectives and resiliency techniques.
- Protection techniques (dedicated and shared)
- Shared risk groups
- Failure scenarios
- Single layer and multilayer protections
Lesson 18: Network dimensioning with resiliency constraints.
Lesson 19: Automatic optical reconfiguration: from static to dynamic networks
- Motivations for dynamic optical networking
- Centralized vs Distributed path computation and resource allocation
- Combining centralized and distributed approaches
- GMPLS-based networks
- SDN-based networks
- Multidomain dynamic networking
- Pre-deployment of equipment
- Scheduled or Advance reservation traffic
Lesson 20: Optical reconfiguration of a network.
Lesson 21: Advantages of reconfigurable and multilayer networks
- Sharing of resources (restoration
- Programmable (or Adaptable) transponders
- Elastic optical networking
- Fluid networks
- End-of-Life vs dynamic margin adaptation
- Green networking
- Spectral defragmentation
Lesson 22: Definition of the final project work; assisted code implementation on the work for the final project.
Lesson 23: The future of optical networks: the 5G era
- Requirements for 5G networking
- Impact on the network architectures
Lesson 24: Definition of the final project work; assisted code implementation on the work for the final project (continued).
- Slides of the course will be available
- Material distributed by the lecturer
- Supporting books:
o B. Mukherjee, Optical Networks, Springer 2006
o J. Simmons, Optical Network design and planning, Springer 2014
Teaching methods
Theoretical lectures will use video-projection of slides. Some exercises will be solved during the lectures. Interaction with students is welcome and will be stimulated by open questions.
Some lectures describing the software used for the planning project (Net2Plan and Git) will be given in the computer lab.
Homeworks are assigned weekly.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam consists of an individual project which has to be presented and discussed with the instructor.
The student will design an optical network by means of a numerical simulator partially developed by the student in Java language. The student can choose between two types of project: the first concerns the planning of a static network (easier project, allowing a maximum grade of 28/30), the second the planning of a dynamic network (more complex project, allowing a maximum grade of 30/30). After having chosen the type of project, each student receives a specific planning problem to solve, whose investigation will be reported in the final project report. The project is evaluated in terms of correctness, completeness, clarity of exposition. The project is graded 1-30.
To pass the exam, a minimum score of 18 is needed.
Other information
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