Enrolment procedures and deadlines

Admission procedures - Communication Engineering

Access requirements

Admission to the Second-cycle degree course in Communication Engineering requires a three-year university degree or diploma or another recognised foreign qualification. Prior to enrolment, possession of the curricular requirements must be ascertained and the adequacy of personal preparation verified, in accordance with the procedures specified below and fully defined in the degree course teaching regulations.
This assessment will be automatic for candidates with a first-class Italian qualification that meets the conditions specified below, while it will be carried out by a special (admission) commission appointed by the course president for all other cases.

1. Curricular requirements

Curricular requirements are automatically fulfilled by possession of a degree in the Information technology engineering degree class (Class L-8 according to MD 270/2004 or Class 9 according to MD 509/1999), as well as an adequate knowledge of English, certified according to the following. Graduates of other degree classes who have acquired a degree in the course of their studies or in subsequent certified university training activities may also be admitted to the course:

- not less than 30 ECTS credits in the academic disciplines:
CHIM/07 Chemical foundations of technologies
FIS/01 Experimental physics
FIS/03 Physics of matter
MAT/02 Algebra
MAT/03 Geometry
MAT/05 Mathematical analysis
MAT/06 Probability and mathematical statistics
MAT/07 Mathematical physics
MAT/08 Numerical analysis
MAT/09 Operations research
SECS-S/02 Statistics for experimental and technological research

- not less than a total of 36 ECTS credits in not less than 3 of the following academic disciplines:
ING-INF/01 Electronics
ING-INF/02 Electromagnetic fields
ING-INF/03 Telecommunications
ING-INF/04 Automation
ING-INF/05 Information processing systems
ING-INF/06 Electronic and computer bioengineering
ING-INF/07 Electronic measurements
INF/01 Computer science

- not less than 12 ECTS credits in the following academic disciplines:
ING-IND/10 Industrial technical physics
ING-IND/11 Environmental technical physics
ING-IND/13 Applied mechanics of machines
ING-IND/15 Design and methods of industrial engineering
ING-IND/16 Machining technologies and systems
ING-IND/17 Industrial mechanical systems
ING-IND/31 Electrotechnics
ING-IND/32 Electrical converters, machines and drives
ING-IND/34 Industrial bioengineering
ING-IND/35 Economic and management engineering
SECS-P/07 Business economics
SECS-P/08 Business economics and management

An adequate knowledge of the English language at a level of at least B2 (CEFR) is also required, both for graduates in the information engineering classes and for those holding another qualification, which results from one of the conditions specified in the Didactic Regulations of the course of study. In the event that the candidate does not meet any of the above conditions, he or she will have to obtain certification at a level of at least B2 before being able to sit the examinations of the years following the first.

2. Verification of the adequacy of personal preparation

Verification of personal preparation is always envisaged and separate from the fulfilment of curricular requirements. The level of knowledge of the content of the course units related to basic and characterising academic disciplines for the L-8 class must be sufficient to carry out the activities envisaged in the Second-cycle degree course in Communication Engineering successfully. Personal preparation is automatically considered adequate if the First-cycle degree course presented for access to the Second-cycle degree course was obtained with a final mark of no less than 88/110 or equivalent. In the case of graduates with a grade lower than the above-mentioned value, in possession of a foreign qualification, or in possession of other qualifications, the admission committee will proceed to verify the final grade obtained, if available, or to verify the average grade, if available, or that of the individual course units.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.ingarc@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Elena Roncai
T. +39 0521 903663
Office E. dia.didattica@unipr.it
Manager E. elena.roncai@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Paolo Serena
E. paolo.serena@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

Alberto Bononi
E. alberto.bononi@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Guido Matrella
E. guido.matrella@unipr.it

Tutor professor

Alberto Bononi
E. alberto.bononi@unipr.it
Giulio Colavolpe
E. giulio.colavolpe@unipr.it
Riccardo Raheli
E. riccardo.raheli@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Walter Belardi
E. walter.belardi@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Alberto Bononi
E. alberto.bononi@unipr.it


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Tutor students

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