cod. 1007857

Academic year 2019/20
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
Silvia PIZZI
integrated course unit
21 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

To provide the student with the knowledge related to the different aspects of hygiene in the professional context.
To provide knowledge of professional organization in the privat and public health sector
To provide means and a methodology for self-learning .
To enable the student to achieve an independent capacity of assessment connected to the specific profession and to acquire communicative competences both with specialists and patients


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Course unit content

1- The course a critical appraisal to the scientific basis and operative procedures preventive and clinics to optimize disease control of dental interest.
2- Allowing to know and to understand the tools and the basic methodology and beeing able to use the specific concepts of preventive medicine.
The prevention of incetious diseases, chronic degenerative diseases and dental diseases.
3- Lessons with audiovisual learning materials, pratical exercises, disussion of the covered topics.
4- The achievement of the objectives of the course will be assessed through an oral examination and a quiz examination, which will allow to assess whether the student has reached the objectives of knowledge and the skills related to the different discipilnes.

Full programme

Concept health
Definition and within of application
General epidemiology of infectious disease
Origin of infections,ways of transmission .
Factors favoring the appearance of infections.
Ways of appearance of infections in the population.
Purposes and the methods of the prevention
Prevention of infections
Discovery and inactivation of infection sources, interruption of transmission chains; increase of resistance to infections
General principles of prevention of not infectious disease
Tertiary, secondary, primary prevention
Prevention blood transmissible infections
Hospital infections
Hygiene of environment

Definition and scope of preventive dentistry.
Disease prevention and health promotion. Promotion of oral health. Epidemiology and prevention of major diseases of interest dentistry: dental caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion, dental trauma, oral cancer, early childhood caries.
Oral health in the disabled: gold dental prevention and treatment
Physical Examination extra and intra-oral
Detection of dento-periodontal indices of community
Assessing the risk of tooth decay
Instructions oral hygiene at home
Professional oral hygiene - scaling
Evidence-Based Preventive strategies for priority areas of action on the WHO Oral Health

1 Periodontal anatomy and physiology
2 Classification of periodontal diseases
3 Periodontal epidemiology
4 Periomedicine
5 Clinical periodontal data recording
6 Oral hygiene instruction, plaque control, patient motivation
7 Biohavioural sciences and dental hygiene
8 Lifestyle and prevention
9 Primer of periodontal theraphy
10 Ergonomics, materials, instruments.

Operational equipment and its functions: dental chair- lay-out of the dental practice
Procedure of re-organization and sterilization of the dental chair
Procedures for sterilization of dental equipment
First examination: medical history and medical records compilation
Physical examination of the oral cavity
Preparing instruments for Operating Procedures
The main operational procedures in the dental practice: timing and mode of behavior
Counselling and communication to the patient
Execution of intraoral radiography

Tutorials of reorganization and sterilization of dental unit.
The ergonomic working positions.
The execution of intraoral radiographs with centering.
Counseling in dentistry.


Leghissa GC- Moretti S-Palerma C-Buzzi G. La Hardy Limeback - Odontoiatria preventiva integrata . Edizione Italiana - EMSI - Roma 2015gestione pratica del paziente odontoiatrico. Protocolli, linee guida, norme. Elsevier Masson 2007. Cortesi Ardizzone V. L'assistenza nello studio odontoiatrico. Manuale pratico. Masson 2006. Leghissa GC- Moretti S-Palerma C-Buzzi G. La gestione pratica del paziente odontoiatrico. Protocolli, linee guida, norme. Elsevier Masson 2007.
.L.Strohmenger, R.Ferro - Odontoiatria di Comunità. Edit. Masson 2003
Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2 Volumes - 5th edition J Lindhe, N.P Lang, T Karring 2008
ISBN 978-1-4051-6099-5 ed italiana: Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale, Quinta Edizione
J Lindhe, N.P Lang, T Karring 2010, Edi-Ermes ISBN 9788870513288
Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2 Volumes - 5th edition
Igiene-Barbuti et al.ED Monduzzi VI Edizione 2011

Teaching methods

Lessons with audiovisual learning materials, pratical exercises, disussion of the covered topics.

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the objectives of the course will be assessed through an oral examination and a quiz examination, which will allow to assess whether the student has reached the objectives of knowledge and the skills related to the different discipilnes.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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