cod. 03668

Academic year 2021/22
4° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Neurologia (MED/26)
Discipline mediche di rilevanza odontoiatrica
Type of training activity
20 hours
of face-to-face activities
2 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Integrated course unit module: NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY

Learning objectives

For the dentist professional the knowledge of neurological diseases becomes a topical part of the educational process. Epilepsies and stroke are basic pathologies as well as all the painful syndromes linked to the cranial nerves. Moreover, due to the increasing role of sleep medicine the new available treatment options in the dentist field (in particular mdandibular advancement devices) becomes a mandtory information for the student to better understand snoring and sleep apnea syndrome.


Solid bases of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system are required to approach neurologic disorders.

Course unit content

Sleep apnea syndrome; Epilepsies; Coma; Acute cerebrovascular diseases; Pyramidal and extrapyramidal syndromes. Limbic system, memory, mirron neurons.

Full programme

Sleep apnea syndrome: snoring, apneas, hypopneas, flow limitation, anatomical causes, metabolic, internal and neurological consequences of the disease. Therapies: weight, positional, CPAP / BiPAP, mandibular advancement device, surgery.
Epilepsies: Grand Mal - Petit Mal - Temporal absences - Febrile convulsions - Status epilepticus - Non-convulsive status - Nocturnal Epilepsy: Etiology - Predisposing factors - Treatment.
Coma: Definition and causes of coma - Classification - Semeiotics - Brain Death - Vegetative Status - Locked-in syndrome.
Acute cerebrovascular diseases (stroke): definition, causes, clinical manifestations, neuroimaging, therapies.
Pyramidal syndromes: First motoneurone - Second motoneurone - Muscle tone - Spastic paralysis - Plastic paralysis - Parkinson disease - Parkinsonian syndromes: Semeiology (bradykinesia, rigidity, resting tremor), causes, pathophysiology, therapy. role of the limbic system. Procedural and working memory. Anatomy and physiology of mirron neurons


The educational material shared during the lessons represent the core reference for the final examinatiion. The suggested textbook is Neurologia di Cambier, Masson, Masson, Dehen. Elsevier editore. Dodicesima edizione.

Teaching methods

Fundamental anatomical and functional bases of the major neurological diseases with special attention focused on the student's dentist skills and perspectives.Lectures with clinical examples and continuous references to real life situations. According to the health conditions, lessons will be organized in the presence of students with the possibility to follow the sessions remotely in synchronous mode (Teams platform).

Assessment methods and criteria

The final exam is based on closed questions (with multiple-choice answers) and open queestions (to explore the student's writing skills).

Other information

The theoretical notions of neurology are supplemented by practical exercises (Prof. Paola Torelli), while the psychiatric classes are carried out at specific times by Prof. Paolo Ossola.