cod. 1004337

Academic year 2022/23
6° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Malattie odontostomatologiche (MED/28)
Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Type of training activity
160 hours
of face-to-face activities
8 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

to develop clinical skills in an issue deeply oriented to clinical abilities


previous theorical lessons on orthodontics

Course unit content

clinical exercitations on patients in active therapy by different kinds of appliances

Full programme

It is specified that each student, during the sixth year, has the duty to perform clinical activities as shown below:

at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 25 total:
• clinical examination
• dental casts
• cast analysis
• set of orthodontic photographies
• cephalometric tracing
• diagnosis and treatment planning in non-complex cases
• diagnosis of more frequent malformations
• removable appliances planning

Emergecy in orthodontics: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 15 total:
• banding/bonding removal
• Removal of orthodontic wires
• arches ligature
• debonding

Therapy: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 10 total:
• application of fixed ritention
• application of space maintainer
• Bonding
• minor occlusal adjustment
• Activation of simple orthodontic appliances
• Biomechanics)

Evaluatione: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 10 total:
• Counselling on oral hygiene
• evaluation of orthodontic needs
• Referral of complex cases
• ortohdontiocs in comprehensive dentistry planning


D.Caprioglio, C.Lanteri, A.Levrini, A.Caprioglio - Ortodonzia Intercettiva- Edizioni Martina, Bologna, 2000.
C.Lanteri - Ortognatodonzia-Edizioni Masson, Milano, 2002.
M.Gandolfini - L'espansore rapido palatino ed il quad-helix - Edizioni Martina, Bologna, 1996.
R.E.Moyers - Manuale di ortodonzia - Scienza e tecnica dentistica edizioni internazionali, Milano, 1991

Teaching methods

practical exercitation and, when necessary, therical lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

Evaluation of the ability to apply the knowledge gained to professional practice through clinical orthodontic therapy on the patient. The judgment will also take account of the number of admissions to the clinic operating day.

Other information

It is specified that each student, during the sixth year, has the duty to perform clinical activities as shown below:

at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 25 total:
• clinical examination
• dental casts
• cast analysis
• set of orthodontic photographies
• cephalometric tracing
• diagnosis and treatment planning in non-complex cases
• diagnosis of more frequent malformations
• removable appliances planning

Emergecy in orthodontics: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 15 total:
• banding/bonding removal
• Removal of orthodontic wires
• arches ligature
• debonding

Therapy: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 10 total:
• application of fixed ritention
• application of space maintainer
• Bonding
• minor occlusal adjustment
• Activation of simple orthodontic appliances
• Biomechanics)

Evaluatione: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 10 total:
• Counselling on oral hygiene
• evaluation of orthodontic needs
• Referral of complex cases
• ortohdontiocs in comprehensive dentistry planning

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti

E. [email segreteria @unipr] (modificare link a email)
T. +39 0521 000000

Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
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Presidente del corso di studio

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Delegato orientamento in ingresso

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Delegato orientamento in uscita

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Docenti tutor

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Delegati Erasmus

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Referente assicurazione qualità

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Tirocini formativi

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Studenti tutor

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