cod. 1004585

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - First semester
Damiano FELINI
Academic discipline
Pedagogia generale e sociale (M-PED/01)
Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to achieve the following goals, in line with the "Dublin descriptors":
1. To know the basic terminology of pedagogy and education, as well as the main concepts of theory of education, social pedagogy and media pedagogy.
2.1. To critically analyze and elaborate the concepts studied, linking themes, authors and trends.
2.2. To connect theories to cases of educational work, analyzed and understood with the specific conceptual tools of the discipline.
4. To communicate in writing their knowledge and thoughts on educational issues.



Course unit content

The course explores some fundamental themes of general and social pedagogy, introducing the student to know the terminology, key concepts, some reference theories, and the main areas of application. In particular, the following topics will be addressed:
1) the main pedagogical models and trends developed over the last fifty years, identifying the salient characteristics and dealing with some reference authors;
2) the pedagogy of Lorenzo Milani, as implemented in Calenzano and Barbiana and expressed in "Lettera a una professoressa" (2017 is the 50th anniversary of both Milani's death and the publication of the "Lettera");
3) the educational needs expressed in social communities, especially those linked to the modern polycentric conformation of the educational system, to cultural change and to social inequalities;
4) the educational needs raised by the media and the possibilities offered by the so-called media education.

Students enrolled in the 1st year of the bachelor program in Education Science take this exam for 12 credits. For this, their course and their examination program will cover all four of the above points.

Part-time students enrolled in the 2nd year of the bachelor program in Education Science hold a course of Social Pedagogy for 6 credits, which borrows from this course. These students will only attend the second part of the lessons and their examination program will only cover points 3 and 4 of the above list.

Students enrolled in the DUSIC’s BA program in Philosophical studies and the DUSIC’s MA program in Humanities hold a course of General Pedagogy for 6 credits, which borrows from this course. Those students will only attend the first part of the lessons and their examination program will only cover points 1 and 2 of the above list.

Full programme

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Students who choose this course for 12 credits must study the following texts:
- D. Felini, Cinque idee di educazione: appunti, disponibile online su Elly.
- C. Scurati, Profili nell’educazione. Ideali e modelli pedagogici nel pensiero contemporaneo, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 1991 (di questo testo sono da studiare le pp. 3-31 e i capp. relativi a Neill, Freire, Illich, Skinner, Bruner, Maritain).
- le letture antologiche, presenti online su Elly, tratte da Rousseau, Dewey, Freire, Illich, Skinner, Bruner, Maritain.
- E. Butturini, voce Milani Lorenzo, in M. Laeng (a cura di), Enciclopedia pedagogica, Brescia, La Scuola, 1989, vol. 4, coll. 7702-7711, disponibile online su Elly.
- Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, Firenze, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 1967 (oppure anche nell’edizione Oscar Mondadori, Milano, 2017).
- S. Tramma, Pedagogia sociale, Milano, Guerini, 2010 (nuova edizione) (tutto).
- D. Felini, Pedagogia dei media. Questioni, percorsi e sviluppi, Brescia, La Scuola, 2004 (tutto, eccetto i capp. 3 e 5).

Students who choose this course for 6 credits must study the following texts:
- D. Felini, Cinque idee di educazione: appunti, disponibile online su Elly.
- C. Scurati, Profili nell’educazione. Ideali e modelli pedagogici nel pensiero contemporaneo, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 1991 (di questo testo sono da studiare le pp. 3-31 e i capp. relativi a Neill, Freire, Illich, Skinner, Bruner, Maritain).
- le letture antologiche, presenti online su Elly, tratte da Rousseau, Dewey, Freire, Illich, Skinner, Bruner, Maritain.
- E. Butturini, voce Milani Lorenzo, in M. Laeng (a cura di), Enciclopedia pedagogica, Brescia, La Scuola, 1989, vol. 4, coll. 7702-7711, disponibile online su Elly.
- Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, Firenze, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 1967 (oppure anche nell’edizione Oscar Mondadori, Milano, 2017).

Part time students who must follow Pedagogia sociale for 6 credits, must use the same program of their colleagues of the year 2016/17:
- S. Tramma, Pedagogia sociale, Milano, Guerini, 2010 (nuova edizione).
- C. Betti e C. Benelli (a cura di), Gli adolescenti fra reale e virtuale. Scuola, famiglia e relazioni sociali, Milano, Unicopli, 2012 [tutto, eccetto i capp. 3 e 9].
- D. Felini, Pedagogia dei media. Questioni, percorsi e sviluppi, Brescia, La Scuola, 2004 [tutto, eccetto i capp. 4 e 5].
- D. Felini (a cura di), Educare al cinema: le origini. Riflessioni ed esperienze di pedagogia dei media fino agli anni della contestazione, Milano, Guerini, 2015 [tutto, eccetto i capp. di Tizzi e Baruffi].

Attention! The program is the same for students who attend and who not attend the lessons.

Teaching methods

Lecture, reading of anthological texts, screening of short videos, group discussion, online activity on the platform Elly.

Assessment methods and criteria

The final evaluation will take place through a written examination consisting of three open questions (there is no term evaluation). The questions will concern the concepts of social pedagogy and media pedagogy, the connection between terms, concepts, theories, trends and authors, and the link between theories and typical situations of the out-of-school educational work, especially with adolescents and youngsters.

It is considered sufficient the examination which shows, with proper language and terminology, the understanding of the basic concepts. The appropriate reference to authors and trends, the connection or comparison between theories, and the application of theory to practice (and vice versa) are elements that concur to determine a grade above satisfactory. The assessment criteria are the followings: correct use of language; knowledge; reflection, analysis, application; references;argumentation.

Each answer, the teacher gives a score from 0 to 30, and the overall score results from the simple arithmetic average.
For passing the exam, 18 is needed in all responses.

Other information

This program of Pedagogia generale e sociale for 12 credits replaces the program of Pedagogia generale e sociale of 2010/11, which will be no longer valid from January 2018.

Elly is available at:

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