Learning objectives
- The student must acquire some fundamental notions:
- - The nursery school as social-educational service for children
- The meaning of educational practices between caregiving and education
- Assimilation in the service and affection: role and relationship styles of the educator
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Course unit content
Services for children between care intervention and educational intervention
Full programme
The course will deal with the subject of meaning and consistence of educational practices between care intervention and educational intervention in services for children.
The complexity of educational intervention will be analyzed, focusing on timings, methodologies and growth environment. The historical evolution of services of children, from places of care, shelter and custody to children-oriented places with a clear paedagogical identity, aimed at the children's well-being and at supporting their growth.
These subject will be studied in detail:
- analysis of the managing and organizational features of different sorts of services
- analysis of the daily schedule and space organization of the educational intervention
- the role of educator in caregiving and playing practices
- the role of educator in the relationship between the service and the family.
Compulsory texts for the written examination
1. Susanna Mantovani, Laura Restuccia Saitta, Chiara Bove, ATTACCAMENTO
E INSERIMENTO, stili e storie delle relazioni al nido, FrancoAngeli 2000
2. Nice Terzi (a cura di) PROSPETTIVE DI QUALITÀ AL NIDO, Edizioni Junior, 2006
3. Francesca Emiliani ( a cura di ) I BAMBINI NELLA VITA QUOTIDIANA, Carrocci Roma 2002
4. Colombo Cocever IL LAVORO DI CURA Carocci Faber 2004
One of these texts (free choice):
- Ada Cigala, Paola Corsano (a cura di ) BAMBINI NEI CONTESTI EDUCATIVI: OSSERVARE PER PROGETTARE, Edizioni Junior, 2007
- Piera Braga (a cura di) GIOCO, CULTURA E FORMAZIONE, Edizioni Junior 2005
- Monica Guerra Elena Luciano LA RELAZIONE CON LE FAMIGLIE nei servizi e nelle scuole dell’infanzia, Edizioni Junior 2009
- Centro Studi per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza ParmaInfanzia, Susanna Mantovani, Paolo Calidoni (a cura di) ACCOGLIERE PER EDUCARE Pratiche e saperi nei servizi educativi per l’infanzia, Erickson 2008
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons (with Power Point presentation), debates in group.
All-day observations in local services and debate in group about the observation.
Seminars on specific items conducted by educational coordinators in services.
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation in itinere will be based on these criteria: attendance to lessons, individual participation and interventions in lessons and seminars
Final assessment is based on a written examination with open questions on compulsory texts.
Other information
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