cod. 1000501

Academic year 2017/18
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Didattica e pedagogia speciale (M-PED/03)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

Training objectives:
1. Know the theoretical, cultural and methodological premises of special education of the italian model to disability.
2. Know the dimensions of integration (limits and potentialities) and the inclusive, social and institutional prospects of a person with disabilities.
3. Know the distinctions of the concepts and terms of deficit and disability, the logic of good practices, social and institutional networks and methodological references to set communications, interventions and projects.
4. Know the main classification systems promoted by WHO for the construction of the helping relationships and of the educational and social interventions, relating to the person with disability and his belonging context.
5. Know and enable collaborative mode
- Interdisciplinary and interinstitutional cooperation to handle special needs.
6. Know the operational tools of intervention.
7. Know how to take action in search of interdisciplinary material relevant to the situations to be considered and addressed.
8. Give importance to the functional documentation to the treated cases and connected to the understanding of cultural contexts and belonging as well as institutional contexts of the person with disabilities.



Course unit content

1. The epistemology of Special Education
Disability, deficits and handicap situations.
The Special Education and the prospect of integration, the life contexts and practices, good practices in the social and institutional contexts.

2. The Special Education and the project life.
Educational tools and the social interventions in an inclusive perspective to take care of the learnings.
Roles and functions of the social educator:
- The conquest of the autonomies;
- The development of support networks;
- The organization of the life contexts.

3. The construction of a project
- Listen and learn more about the condition of a person's life;
- The observation of the needs analysis;
- The construction of a map of resources.

4. The legislative instruments
The basic law, also known as "legge quadro" is the Law n. 104 of 1992, that contains devices which relate to all stages of life; the Law 68/1999 for the right to work of disabled people.
The legislative instruments must become not so much a secretarial tool but mainly an educational tool.

5. The operational tools
-The ability to communicate,
- The ability to construct shared linguistic codes,
- The ability to store and reformulate.
The operational tools, in this sense, are numerous and need a non-exhaustive consultation, once and for all, but to know what are the possible databases from which to draw to develop the tools depending on contexts and needs.

6. Analysis of a case
It is useful to have confidence in the current documentation of the cases, we call them that, and they have the possibility of different readings depending on the professions or roles that each one has. The analysis of a case that begins with a documentation of a family member will be different from the analysis that begins with the documentation of a social service or a professional such as neuropsychiatrist.

Full programme

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Andrea Canevaro, Nascere fragili, EDB,Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna,2015

Andrea Canevaro, Le logiche del confine e del sentiero
Una pedagogia dell’inclusione (per tutti, disabili inclusi) Erickson edizioni, Trento, 2006

A. CONTARDI, Verso l'autonomia. Percorsi educativi per ragazzi con disabilità intellettiva, Carocci, Roma, 2004.

Julia Kristeva, Jean Vanier
Il loro sguardo buca le nostre ombre, donzelli Editore, Roma 2011

Alexandre Jollien, Elogio della debolezza, Edizioni Qiqajon, Magnano, 2001

Teaching methods

Teaching methods:
Lectures, presentations and case studies, movies, illustration of institutional documents.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment methods:
Written exam consisting in:
1. The production of a written report relating to one of the Special Education topics presented, freely chosen by the students, deepening its aspects, importance and dimensions.
2. administration of a questionnaire with multiple choice questions and open-ended questions, related to the issues of Special Education.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.corsiumanistici@unipr.it

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Mr. Gianluca Uccelli
T. +39 0521 904891
Office E. dusic.educazione@unipr.it
Manager E. gianluca.uccelli@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Luana Salvarani
E. luana.salvarani@unipr.it

Guidance delegate

Prof. Marco Bartolucci
E. marco.bartolucci@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Mariangela Scarpini
E. mariangela.scarpini@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Dimitris Argiropoulos 
E. dimitris.argiropoulos@unipr.it

Prof. Laura Madella
E. laura.madella@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Diego Varini
E. diego.varini@unipr.it 

Tutor students

First year students
E. tutormatricole.educazione@unipr.it

Second and third year students
Childhood educator curriculum
E. tutorsociopedagogico.educazione@unipr.it

Second and third year students
Socio-pedagogical educator curriculum
E. tutorinfanzia.educazione@unipr.it