Learning objectives
The course is designed to give students the fundamental notions of the general part of Criminal Law. Through the analysis of the provisions and the study of some leading cases, the course aims to allow the student to learn the method which is necessary in order to work autonomously and competently in a future job where he could be asked to use his legal background in criminal law.
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Course unit content
The course will cover the fundamental issues concerning the general part of Criminal Law: the sources of criminal law; the constitutional principles of Criminal Law; the application of Criminal Law; the elements of the crime; attempt; general notions of conspiracy; concurrence of offences; punishment and its forms.
Full programme
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A. Cadoppi - P. Veneziani, Elementi di diritto penale. Parte generale, Padova, 2015, VI ed., (excluding pages: 3-52; 151-158; 159-174; 207-226; 383-398; 429-452; 478-502; 543-548).
- Penal Code (last edition)
Teaching methods
The most important notions of the general part of Criminal Law will be analysed in the first part of the class. Connections with some crimes will be used to clarify the general principles. The second part will be a more practical one, because it will focus on some leading cases. Experts will be invited for seminars on specific topics.
Assessment methods and criteria
The exam will be oral. The student is asked to answer three questions. The exam aims to understand the level of comprehension of the student and his ability to make connections between different topics. The exam also evaluates the ability of the student to communicate with a proper legal language. In order to pass the exam the student should answer correctly to, at least, two questions.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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