Learning objectives
- To expand knowledge related to the specific subject area
- To increase the ability to collect and interpret data
- To promote communication and learning abilities
Education manager:
Mr. Gianluca Uccelli
T. +39 0521 904891
Office E. dusic.educazione@unipr.it
Manager E. gianluca.uccelli@unipr.it
Prof. Luana Salvarani
E. luana.salvarani@unipr.it
Prof. Marco Bartolucci
E. marco.bartolucci@unipr.it
Prof. Mariangela Scarpini
E. mariangela.scarpini@unipr.it
Prof. Dimitris Argiropoulos
E. dimitris.argiropoulos@unipr.it
Prof. Laura Madella
E. laura.madella@unipr.it
Prof. Diego Varini
E. diego.varini@unipr.it
First year students
E. tutormatricole.educazione@unipr.it
Second and third year students
Childhood educator curriculum
E. tutorsociopedagogico.educazione@unipr.it
Second and third year students
Socio-pedagogical educator curriculum
E. tutorinfanzia.educazione@unipr.it