Learning objectives
The course aims to deepen, whit direct contact whit patients in orthodontic therapy, the knowledge and understanding of various types of malocclusion and to be able to make a diagnosis correctly interpreting data from different diagnostic tools (cephalometric tracings and axiografici, study models and photographs of the patient) in addition to the knowledge and understanding of the various therapeutic possibilities in order to develop critical skills on the topics covered, and therefore use the knowledge and ability to apply the diagnostic and therapeutic methods in orthodontic practice specific professional activities of dental practitioners
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Course unit content
To know and understand the etilogia of malocclusion in relation to genetic and epigenetic component whit clinical inspections to patients in orthodontic therapy. Helping students to formulate a diagnosis of malocclusion, identify the objectives of orthodontic treatment and formulate a treatment plan accustom students to evaluate the action of Neuro System -Muscle of the skull in various types of malocclusion and orthodontic recognize the special pathology correlating with therapeutic solutions in cases of tooth agenesis, supernumerary teeth and impacted teeth. Know and understand the principles of biomechanics that govern the operation of fixed and removable orthodontic appliances. Know and understand the purpose of interceptive orthodontics, orthodontics and adult orthodontics in the patient associated with maxillofacial surgery in particular in patients with cleft lip and cleft palate outcomes. Knowing how to motivate the patient to the collaboration at various stages of treatment including orthodontic retainer
Full programme
Special pathology and orthodontic dentistry: dental agenesis, supernumerary teeth, dental trauma, impacted teeth. Medical records. Orthodontic diagnosis. Goals of treatment. Treatment plan. Orthopedic braces and therapeutic means. Principles of biomechanics. Fixed and removable orthodontic appliances: bands and direct attacks, orthodontic wires, traction intra-and extra-oral (face-bow, elastic and intra interarch), accessories (rapid palatal expander, palatal bar, quad helix, lip-bumper). Interceptive orthodontics. Orthodontics in adults. Orthodontics and surgery gnatica garden. Orthodontic treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate. Orthodontic retainer.
D.Caprioglio, C.Lanteri, A.Levrini, A.Caprioglio - Ortodonzia Intercettiva- Edizioni Martina, Bologna, 2000.
C.Lanteri - Ortognatodonzia-Edizioni Masson, Milano, 2002.
M.Gandolfini - L'espansore rapido palatino ed il quad-helix - Edizioni Martina, Bologna, 1996.
R.E.Moyers - Manuale di ortodonzia - Scienza e tecnica dentistica edizioni internazionali, Milano, 1991
Teaching methods
Lectures during clinical orthodontic therapy whit patients, supplemented by discussion of topics in order to train students in critical skills on the topics and to provide them with knowledge of the stomatognathic apparatus useful in diagnosing dental occlusion and the maxillo-facial anomalies and thus have an important aid to solve the specific problems of professional dentists. Due to the covid-19 pandemic some lesson and exercitation well be held via web by the Teams platform
Assessment methods and criteria
Evaluation of the ability to apply the knowledge gained to professional practice through clinical orthodontic therapy on the patient. The judgment will also take account of the number of admissions to the clinic operating day.
Other information
It is specified that each student, during the sixth year, has the duty to perform clinical activities as shown below:
at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 25 total:
• clinical examination
• dental casts
• cast analysis
• set of orthodontic photographies
• cephalometric tracing
• diagnosis and treatment planning in non-complex cases
• diagnosis of more frequent malformations
• removable appliances planning
Emergecy in orthodontics: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 15 total:
• banding/bonding removal
• Removal of orthodontic wires
• arches ligature
• debonding
Therapy: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 10 total:
• application of fixed ritention
• application of space maintainer
• Bonding
• minor occlusal adjustment
• Activation of simple orthodontic appliances
• Biomechanics)
Evaluatione: at least one of the following types of activity for a minimum of 10 total:
• Counselling on oral hygiene
• evaluation of orthodontic needs
• Referral of complex cases
• ortohdontiocs in comprehensive dentistry planning
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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