cod. 21953

Academic year 2015/16
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Istologia (BIO/17)
Morfologia umana, funzioni biologiche integrate degli organi ed apparati umani
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit
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Learning objectives

The target of the course is to allow the student to know and to understand the essential elements of the tissues and organs structure. The student will utilize knowledge and understanding for Anatomy and Physiology future study.
At the end of the course the student will demonstrate knowledge and understanding about: Cell structute and organization, Tissue structure and organization, Multi tissutal units structure and organization, taking care the stomatognathic apparatus



Course unit content

In the first part of the course will be summarized the functional and structural aspects of different tissues, referring in particular to the stomatognathic apparatus; in particular will be analyzed tooth and parodontal tissues. In the second part of the course will be analyzed the firs four week of the embryonic development, and the tooth development.

Full programme

Cell senescence. The cell death
Somatic cells and germ cells
Stem cells and differentiated cells. The cell populations.
Embryonic development. The stages of development. Differentiation and growth
Morphological aspects of development. The week of development. II week of development. III week of development. IV week of development. II-III months of development. II-III trimester of development. Genetics of morphogenesis
Development of major organ systems and organs
Biological aspects of development. The factors of development. The microenvironment. The induction. The determination. the differentiation
The fabrics definitive. Epithelial tissues. Tropho-mechanical tissues. Muscle tissues. Nerve tissue. Tissues of the Tooth
The annexal tissues. The tissues of the placenta. The tissues of the amniotic sac. The tissues of the yolk sac. The tissues of the umbilical cord. Histophysiology of the attached embryo-fetal
The units pluritessutali. The glands. The mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, the apparatus. respiratory, urinary tract, the genital tract. female and male genital system. The serous membranes. The skin. The productions skin
The blood-vessels and lymphatics. The muscles. The bones. The nerves. The ganglia.
Development of the Tooth


Renato Scandroglio - La porta che apre al mondo della medicina. Corso integrato di citologia, embriologia, istologia. - terza edizione aggiornata e rinnovata del "corso integrato di istologia". - EdiMago, PARMA

MH. Ross, W. Pawlina - Istologia testo e atlante; Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

A Stevens, J. Lowe ISTOLOGIA UMANA; Casa editrice Ambrosiana

M. Barbieri, P. Carinci EMBRIOLOGIA; Casa editrice Ambrosiana


Teaching methods

Front lessons

Assessment methods and criteria

To evaluate the achievement of the estimated goals, an oral examination will be performed. Questions regarding the content of the course will be employed to evaluate the reaching of the knowledge and understanding of the contents

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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