Learning objectives
Originally the course has the aim to allow the student to know and understand the hazard present in foods of animal origin and to assess the risks arising from their presence. Subsequently, the course has the aim to make know and understand the general requirements of hygiene, applicable to the entire production chain, and major operations and variables that must be used to control a hazard and therefore helpful to eliminate a risk. The student will be able to apply the knowledge and the understanding acquired to recognize health issues associated with the consumption of animal origin foods; in addition, the student will be able to manage a food business issue through the application of the preventive system based on the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.
There are no prerequisites required
Course unit content
The course of “inspection of animal origin food” is designed to teach the student a scientific approach, useful to face the topics about animal origin food inspection; to give the basic knowledge about the main structures and laws concerning food inspection; to give information about the main bacteria concerning food inspection (indicators of quality and safety); to provide notions about the concept of risk and how this is handled in the field of inspection; to give knowledge about the principal risks for the consumer, associated with food consumption such meat and fish.
Full programme
Introduction to the legal framework of the subject-matter; horizontal and vertical rules.
The role of food inspection activities: national legislation (L. 283/62, DPR 327/80) and European regulation (Regulation EC no. 882/04).
Perishable food: DM 16.12.1993.
Microorganisms indicating food safety and quality. Microbiological criteria applicable to foodstuffs (Regulation EC no. 2073/05): food safety criteria and process hygiene criteria.
Two and three classes sampling plans.
Criminal offences in the field of foodstuff: toxic, commercial and ambivalent frauds.
Criminal offences against public health and measures taken under the Italian Penal Code; unfair commercial practices.
Labelling and traceability of food products.
The principles and requirements laid down in the White Paper on Food Safety; The EU Regulation 178/02.
New food safety legislation; New food hygiene legislation (Reg. EC no. 852/04, 853/04, 854/04).
The principles of the HACCP system; implementation issues.
The microbiological risk and its assessment in public health.
Tiecco G. (2000). Ispezione degli Alimenti di Origine Animale. Calderini Edagricole, Bologna.
Capelli F., Klaus B., Silano V. (2006): Nuova disciplina del settore alimentare e autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare.
Colavita G. (2012). Igiene e Tecnologie degli alimenti di origine animale. Le Point Veterinaire Italie.
Milano Galli A., Bertoldi A. (2006). Igiene degli alimenti e HACCP in accordo con le nuove disposizioni del pacchetto igiene – Modelli applicativi. Ed. EPC Libri.
Fabbi M., Marone P. (2005). Trattato sulle infezioni e tossinfezioni alimentari. Ed. Selecta Medica, Pavia.
Aggiornamenti normativi on line: sostanzealimentari.it
Teaching methods
The topics of the course are carried out through frontal lessons with the aid of slides.
Assessment methods and criteria
The learning outcomes will be monitored through a written evaluation that will determine the level of knowledge and understanding of the course content. Then you will make an oral evaluation on cases of hazard in food industry and on application of the HACCP plan, to see if the student is able to critically analyze the strategies to employ.
Other information
The student at the end of the course will demonstrate knowledge and understanding about:
Applicability of the rules of the food industry and their legal significance in the context national and European;
In recognition of the most important valence inspection microorganisms and their role of microbiological criteria;
To the management of risk arising from the consumption of animal origin foods by application of HACCP plans.
The student also applying the knowledge and understanding acquired, must be able to collaborate with other professionals in order to:
Contribute to the prevention of the hazards that can be recognized in food industry;
Prepare plans HACCP of food industry