Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to supply a basic knowledge of crime and the main substantial and procedural foundations of criminal law to study and understand the Work Health and Safety laws misdemenaours and crimes.
Course unit content
The course aims to give the students the main criminal law concepts needed to understand the Work Health and Safety laws misdemenaours and crimes.
Full programme
The module of Criminal law and criminal procedure will explain the main foundations of the general part of the substantial and procedural foundations criminal law, to give the students the instruments to understand the Work Health and Safety laws misdemenaours and crimes. Will be studied also the criminal responsability of companies ex d.l.vo n. 231/2001, concernig the most serious work related injuries.
Then will be studied the main crimes (contained in the penal code and in the d.l.vo n. 81/2008)concernig Work Health and Safety. also the legal definitions contained in the d.l.vo n. 81/2008 will be studied.Will also briefly examined the d.l.vo n. 758/1994.
General part of the criminal law:
Alessio Lanzi - Stefano Putinati, Istituzioni di diritto penale dell'economia, Giuffrè editore, Milano, ult. ed.
Alberto Cadoppi - Paolo Veneziani, Elementi di diritto penale. Parte generale, Cedam, Padova, ult. ed.
Work Health and Safety laws:
Giuseppe Santoro Passarelli (a cura di), La nuova sicurezza in azienda. Commentario al Titolo I del D.Lgs. n. 81/2008, Ipsoa, Milano, ult. ed.